Need transcripts for your scholarship application?

Some scholarships require other special documents that you will need in electronic format (scanned to your computer or memory device) so that you may upload them for those specific scholarships.

One item that may be required is your unofficial transcript from any college at RCCD. You will need to access your unofficial transcript, print it and then scan it to an electronic format (either on your computer desktop or a memory device). That way if you are matched to a scholarship that requires an unofficial RCCD transcript, you will have it ready when necessary to complete your scholarship application.

To access your unofficial transcript:

  • Go to your home college website and log into MyPortal.
  • From the menu, click ACADEMICS. 

  • Under ACADEMICS, click “Unofficial Transcript.”

  • Click the link for the transcript you want, save to your desktop or memory device.

  • For help in viewing your transcript, please click on the HELP button.



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