Foundation Scholarship Selection Process
How recipients are selected
The method of selecting recipients of RCCD scholarships is determined by the donor of the scholarship funds. The applications may be reviewed by a donor committee or by the RCCD Scholarship Committees at each RCCD college (MVC, NC, RCC).
- The RCCD Scholarship Committees are made up of a combination of RCCD Faculty and Staff members from each college who are committed to equality and fairness for all applicants as well as selecting the applicant who best fits the donor’s requirements and scholarship criteria. Your scholarship application is reviewed and scored and the applicant(s) with the highest scores are offered the scholarship.
- If you are selected as a recipient of a scholarship from RCCD, you will be offered the scholarship(s) in the scholarship system website. The system will send an email to your student email account with information regarding the scholarship offer. You will need log into the scholarship system to accept the scholarship award, and then you will receive more information regarding eligibility, disbursement and the recognition events.
- If you are not selected as a recipient of a scholarship from RCCD, you will not receive an offer email from the scholarship system. On your scholarship page in the scholarship system, you will see the scholarship status listed as “Not Selected.” However, please know that your application will remain active in case a new scholarship comes available or alternates are needed for scholarships for which the original recipient is no longer eligible.
The information on your scholarship application is recognized to be of a confidential nature and when applying you agree that Riverside Community College District (RCCD) may reveal or forward the contents of your application to the Scholarship Committee members, Scholarship Donors and/or other reviewing committees. Any disclosure of confidential information to individuals not directly associated with the evaluation process is prohibited.