Scholarships and Satisfactory Academic Progress
Maintain your eligibility
Congratulations on becoming a scholarship recipient! Now you need to remain eligible for the scholarship(s) you were awarded. As a college student it is important that you keep your grades up, don’t drop too many classes and finish your program within the required number of units. This is called Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and not maintaining SAP can affect eligibility for most types of financial aid, including scholarships.
To remain eligible for the scholarships you were awarded you must:
- Enroll in and complete the number of units required by the scholarship. For example if the scholarship is for full time students, you must enroll in and complete at least 12 units. If the scholarship is for part time students you must enroll in and complete at least 6 units. If you are unable to enroll in enough units or you did not complete the required number of units, please contact the financial aid office at your home college so that they may determine if an exception can be made.
- Keep your cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) above the limit required by your scholarship. For example, if you were awarded a scholarship for students with a 2.5 GPA or greater, you must keep your semester and/or cumulative GPA above a 2.5. If you do not meet the criteria listed above after the fall semester, you will be sent a letter with information as to why you are no longer eligible for your scholarship(s).
For your reference, below are the SAP standards for types of financial aid other than scholarships. Please note that if you become ineligible for types of financial aid other than scholarships, you may still receive your scholarships if you meet the scholarship criteria listed above.
SAP Standards
Financial Aid SAP: SAP for financial aid such as Pell Grant, SEOG Grant, Federal Work Study, Federal Direct Student Loans, Cal Grant B & C, Student Success Completion Grant, Chafee Grant, is a federal standard to monitor progress towards a student’s educational goal which includes the standards listed below. For more detailed information, please see the SAP information page.
Qualitative Standard: Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater
Quantitative Standard: Students must meet the following:
- Pace of Progression: Students must complete at least 67% of the units
attempted within RCCD, and - Maximum Time Frame: Students must complete their educational objective by
the time they have met their specific maximum time frame (units) as it relates to
their academic plan and program of study.
CCPG (BOGW) SAP: The California College Promise Grant-CCPG is a state tuition waiver for eligible California Community College students. To maintain eligibility for the CCPG, students who have attempted 12 or more units must meet the institutional Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards listed below. For more detailed information, please see the CCPG information page.
- Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater, and
- Have completed more than 50% of their attempted units successfully.