Make the most of attending MVC – try new things, meet new people, discover yourself and find the support you need to help you turn your lows into highs.

Be Active and Find Support

College is an experience that can help you grow, mature and excel – but no journey is without its obstacles. Moreno Valley College has the clubs, organizations, support (counseling, food resources, health) to help you maintain a solid foundation and community while you continue to challenge yourself to succeed each day.

Associated Students Campus Amenities News and Events

Develop Leadership Skills

Students leading students. The Associated Students of Moreno Valley College (ASMVC) sponsors student government, student clubs and organizations and various on-campus activities. Student government serves a vital role to our community — as an opportunity for students and the voice they exert. How do you want to be involved? 

ASMVC and Student Government 

Strengthening Individuals and Community

Academic pursuit, career goals, veterans, foster children, music, culture, science are just a few of the defining characteristics celebrated and uplifted by student clubs at MVC. Explore existing groups or learn how to start your own! 

Student Clubs and Organizations

Stay in the Know

The MVC Herald is a student run newspaper. See the world through a unique lens delivered by student voices, discover interesting and hard-hitting topics, and enjoy the creativity of MVC journalism students.
Get the latest updates and never miss out on what’s happening with your college.

Upcoming Events


Financial Aid Office Hours at BCTC

11:30 AM - 01:30 PM
School of Public Safety Building

Career Spotlight on Social Work (Hybrid Workshop)

01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Online via Zoom or LIB 205

Cash for College Webinar (with Spanish Translation)

06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Online via Zoom

Your Campus Amenities

Lion's Den Cafe
When youre ready to refuel, or just grab a much in need coffee, your MVC campus has a selection of sit-down or grab and go options at the Lion's Den Cafe or the Coffee Cub.
Bookstore Building

On campus or online, the MVC Bookstore is the place to buy essentials like technology, MVC merchandise, books and more.

Library Building

Spend some quality time in the library with a book or on the internet. Our stacks are the perfect place for quiet study or reflection, and resources like computers, research databases, study spaces and more are available to enrolled students and the community.

MVC graduates

Ready to become a Mountain Lion?