Student Clubs and Organizations
Discover Lifetime Friends
There are approximately twenty clubs and organizations representing a wide variety of academic and career pursuits, as well as special interests. We encourage you to get involved by joining a student club or organization.
The great thing about being a student at MVC is that if you want to be active, you've tried to get involved, and you just can't find the place that is right for you, YOU can create your own club on campus. Chances are if you have an interest, others will too! So go for it and create a new club on campus. Here's how:
- A full-time faculty member must agree to sponsor a specific club/organization, and agree to be present at club/organization functions, meetings and events.
- Complete and submit the Application for Recognition and Agreement to Sponsor forms, and have a membership roster of seven or more prospective members to the coordinator of Student Activities.
- Club members must pay their student services fee.
Once received and approved, final approval will come from the Dean of Student Development and Wellness and MVC Student Senate. Find club creation form in the Student Activities Center or online on the ASMVC page.
The ICC is composed of representatives from each of the clubs and organizations within ASMVC. ICC promotes inter-club cooperation. Meetings are open to all students. To join in over Zoom, contact the Student Activities office for the link and password.
Contact the Student Activities office to inquire about a given club's faculty advisors, club leaders, and joining requirements.
Explore Active Clubs
Request a Club Page
Your faculty advisor can request a club page by contacting MVC's web development team.