Strategic Planning
The Future Needs a Roadmap
Moreno Valley College uses strategic planning to develop a roadmap to the future. From facility usage to determining educational programing that best serves the need of the community, long-term planning ensures financial stewardship, equity and inclusivity, and the promotion of lifelong learning.
Actionable Goals and Objectives to Drive MVC
The Integrated Strategic Plan provides mid-term actionable goals and objectives to help the College reach goals and objectives established by the comprehensive master plan. This plan integrates the goals, objectives and strategies from operational planning documents with actionable data and planning initiatives at the District and state levels.
The Student Equity Plan is focused on boosting the achievement and closing equity gaps for disproportionately impacted students by identifying success indicators such as enrollment, completion of transfer-level math and English, term to term persistence, completion, and successful transfer. It is informed by the Integrated Strategic Plan and Guided Pathways Plan.
In continuing the efforts to be a responsible partner and steward for managing its resources and being an environmentally responsible institution, RCCD is embarking on a comprehensive Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.
The Strategic Enrollment Management Plan is a guide to help the College achieve its enrollment goals.
Expanding Moreno Valley College
Moreno Valley College continually expands and improves campus facilities and grounds to meet the needs of students. Through high quality, functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces students can learn, and community members can engage.
The School of Public Safety Building serves as classroom and administration space to further student engagement and learning at MVC's public safety-oriented education center.
Shared Governance
Overseeing MVC's Planning Processes
Moreno Valley College's strategic planning processes are guided by members of faculty, staff, students, administrators on the College Council, Academic Senate and their respective committees and subcommittees.
Planning Priorities for 2024-25
4 in 10 students that apply to Moreno Valley College enroll
- Create a culture of care
- Communication plan (inward and outward) - highlight student successes (e.g. transfer stories, semester successes, high school journey)
- Elevate student voices
- Recommended Goal: Increase by 10 percentage points from 40% to 50% students that apply then enroll (1,529 more students
3 in 10 first-time students attempt English and math in first year and 1 in 10 first-time students successfully complete English and math in the first year
- Introduce to a culture of care (Ensure students feel supported and have their person)
- Focus on pathways from high school to college (complete English and math before they enter college. Dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and summer bridge)
- Create advising sessions and/or highlight the various resources and how we they can be successful in college
- Recommended Goal: Increase by 10 percentage points from 10% to 20% and 30% to 40% for first time students that attempt and successfully complete English and math in the first year (90 more students).
5 in 10 students that are enrolled in fall enroll in spring and 7 in 10 students successfully complete their classes
- Sustain a culture of care (deepen student engagement, scale student activities program, create a shared responsibility for student's education, student to student support, time management, and wellness)
- Communicate and ensure college wide marketing on happenings on campus.
- Continue and ongoing registration events ensure college wide awareness.
- Recommended Goal: Increase by 10 percentage points from 50% to 60% students enrolled in fall are enrolled in following spring (787 more students). Increase by 10 percentage points from 70% to 80% course success rate (4,846 additional A, B, or C’s out of all grades).
1 in 10 students successfully complete their educational goal in 2 years
- Incorporate into marketing plan that entire student journey from high school to completion.
- Evaluate and change policies and assessment to ensure student centered (review and implement student equity recommendations)
- Ensure a culture of care (wrap around services)
- Recommended Goal: Increase by 10 percentage points from 10% to 20% students that complete their education goal in 2 years (90 more students)
- Create and distribute a student survey instrument specifically focused on implementing a guided pathways framework.
- Develop an evaluation plan using workgroups that will measure success of strategies and elevate student voice for next year’s planning cycle.
College leadership welcomes student, employees and community members feedback and ideas when it comes to the program regular review process, ensuring accountable and the overall success of the institution. You're welcome to attend committee meetings, review our campus plans, and speak to college leadership. Your voice matters!
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Stay connected with Moreno Valley College by subscribing to the President’s Newsletter, a monthly digest highlighting news and updates. The community is also encouraged to follow the institution’s social media feeds for community events.
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District Plans