More Ways to Learn
Take your college education to the next level
The Middle College program allows high school juniors and seniors to complete their last two years of schooling at MVC, to earn both their high school diploma and an associate degree or certificate. By the end of their senior year in high school, students have the opportunity to complete more than one year worth of college units.
Are you a high school student interested in earning college credit while you finish your high school diploma? Concurrent enrollment may be an option for you! With the approval of your parent/guardian, qualifying students can get a head start on their college career even as they complete their high school courses.
The Honors Program at Moreno Valley College is a learning community that encourages students to expand personal and academic horizons. In return to for commitment to a rigorous series of classes, the Honors program will support you, challenge you, and help you grow.

Online Classes
Most online courses don't require classes to meet, so students can work on their assignments regardless of their location or day to day schedule. MVC offers a variety of general education and program-specific courses online. Even more offerings are available in hybrid format (half the time spent in class, with some online coursework), as well as online classes with occasional or regular scheduled virtual meetings. Use the class schedule to find out what online courses are offered each term, and check out what online student services you can access.

Cross Enrollment
Eligible undergraduate students enrolled at any California Community College may enroll at a CSU or UC campus without formal admission to take a maximum of one course per academic term for a $10 or more administrative fee.
- Review the cross enrollment policies at the institution you plan to attend.
- Only available for courses with space available; current UC and CSU students receive priority.
- Review and complete the cross enrollment petition and submit to Admissions & Records.
The MVC Promise Initiative helps you by providing free first year tuition (even if you’re not eligible for financial aid), textbook vouchers and ongoing academic guidance. First-time students who have never attended college are eligible.
Noncredit courses are designed for students interested in pursuing personal, professional or academic goals. Noncredit courses focus on helping students build specific skills that are necessary for reaching their individual goals.