Special Programs
Make Your Own Success Possible… Together
Part of the college experience is learning who you are, how you fit in the world and how far you can go. At Moreno Valley College, our learning and support communities make each other stronger, which makes us all stronger. From cultural to experiential to life stage — there is a program designed to help and support you on your journey.
Student Services Virtual Lobbies All Student Support Frequent Questions
Contact Us
What to see if you qualify for a specific program? Visit their program page. Otherwise, you can get assistance with general tasks from Student Services through one of our virtual lobbies or visit the Welcome Center in-person.
Help is available online
Admissions & Records, Student Financial Services and the Assessment Center are available to talk wherever you happen to be. -
Else, visit us at MVC
We're in the Welcome Center building. Stop by!
MVC Health and Wellness
Support for the Mind and Body
Our campus offers students ready access to health and wellness services/education. Confidential checkups, immunizations, low-cost prescriptions, crisis intervention and counseling just some of the services we offer to MVC students to maintain their wellbeing and encourage college success.
Affordable and Focused Education
Financial Aid, Employment and Career Preparation Resources
Education should be attainable and have a clear goal. While MVC tries to maintain affordable tuition fees, let us help you find ways to help you pay for your school experience. From connecting you to financial aid to helping explore career paths to locating part-time work to help make ends meet, our support team is ready to assist.
Financial Aid Student Employment Career and Transfer Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Special programs are initiatives to help students and encourage our community. While some are available to all students, like student health services, others are specific to individual groups of students with identified needs that can be addressed.
Learn more about each program to find out how it specifically helps. Most special programs are focused on helping with education by providing financial, study, guidance or other forms of support. Other special programs offer an avenue for individuals to “find their tribe”, share ideas, identity and celebrate what makes them unique.
The first step is always ask questions and learn about the program/group. Each has a dedicated webpage on the MVC website that you can review, you can attend a meeting or workshop (if offered) or reach out by email, phone or in-person. How involved you get after that is up to you!