Crisis Intervention
Assistance for Students in Need
The Moreno Valley College Student Assessment, Facilitation and Evaluation (SAFE) team provides support to facilitate, coordinate and provide for psychological evaluation and behavioral intervention when needed. The team is available to promote emotional and behavioral wellness in a student of concern, so that student can function optimally in the classroom. Please contact any one of the SAFE team members should you be concerned about a student's behavior.
Why Crisis Intervention?
Learn More
Is it Urgent?
If you think you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. For emergencies or urgent needs outside the regular business hours of Health Services, the following agencies will connect you with someone who can evaluate your situation and provide help.
- Local Rape Crisis Hotline: (866) 686-7273 (www.rarcc.org)
- Domestic Violence Hotline: (888) 805-6455, or (800) 226-4257
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Text or call 988
- The Trevor Project: Text "start" to 678678 for 24/7 crisis support services to young LGBTQ+ people. Trained counselors are available by text, call or chat.
- Crisis Text Line: Text "hope" to 741741 to talk to someone, whether you're feeling anxious, depressed, stressed about school or are dealing with something more serious.
- Riverside County Crisis Helpine-Hotline: Call (951) 686-4357 for local assistance.
Contact Us
We are here to help! MVC's crisis intervention team aims to help prevent a crisis and promote emotional and behavioral wellness in a student of concern, so that student can function optimally in and out of the classroom.
Campus Police
(951) 222-8171 -
Health Services
(951) 571-6103
Guidelines and Procedures
Intervene early to provide support and behavioral response to students displaying distressed, disruptive or disturbed behaviors. Disruptive behavior can occur in classrooms, online, via e-mail in writings or anywhere on the campus. Disruptive behavior may not always be a danger to other students. Disruptive behaviors may also include missing class frequently, sleeping in class, verbal impairment, and so on. In the cases that a danger is presented, please immediately contact campus police for assistance.
Students that exhibit the following behaviors may need assistance, and should be reported to the crisis team for assistance:
- Sleeping in class more than 2-3 times
- Absence from class
- Acting out in class
- Poor preparation or inconsistent work product in class
- Excessive excuses/requests for exception to class work requirements
- Overly aggressive behavior toward others
- Limited ability for redirection or limit setting
- Impairment of thought, verbalization, or writings
- Poor Decision making capacity
- Strange or inappropriate behavior in the setting
- Overreaction to circumstances
- Violence, exhibited acting out, writings, verbalizations, endorsement of violence as seen in the media
- Delusional expressions, appearance of hallucinations, paranoid thoughts, related signs of psychosis
- Lack of expression, concern, commitment and inability to care
After reporting and evaluation, crisis team members determine the level of distress from three categories. Classification levels include:
- Distressed students:
- Students who are emotionally troubled
- Individuals impacted by situational stressors and/or a traumatic event
- Possibility of some psychiatric symptom
- Disturbed Students:
- Behaviorally disruptive, unusual or acting bizarrely
- Show indications of a lack of touch with reality
- Destructive, apparently harmful to others
- Possibly substance abusing
- Showing a complete lack of social norms in their behaviors
- Erratic behavior
- Severely Disturbed Students:
- Suicidal
- Para-suicidal (self-injurious, eating disordered)
- Individuals engaging in risk-taking behaviors (e g, substance abusing)
- Hostile, aggressive, relationally abusive
- Individuals deficient in skills that regulate emotion, cognition, self, behavior and relationships
Assessment of risk is completed using the CUBIT Risk Rubric. Recommendations for intervention are guided by this rubric.
- Distress: Confront and suggest resources
- Disturbed: Confront and Refer
- Severe Disturbance: Refer or intervene
Suicidality (as evidenced by written or verbal communication)
- Direct statements indicating perceived futility of life.
- Written "suicide" or extremely depressive poetry, etc.
- Crying and/or expressions of anguish with or without report of precipitating event (death, loss, and trauma).
- Statements or actions in which student gives away personal possessions with/without comments indicating imminent death.
- Report by student that another student has confessed suicidal intent or ideation.
Course of Action: If the student is willing to go talk with a mental health counselor, call the Wellness Center to escort the student. If the student is unwilling to see a mental health counselor, then please call RCCD Police. All students expressing suicidal thoughts must have psychiatric/medical intervention both for their safety and to avoid legal liability of faculty and staff.
Psychological Decompensation (with or without psychosis)
- Disorientation, confusion, inappropriate behavior or statements.
- Inappropriate or labile mood indications such as laughter, hostility, crying suspicion, or mania without a precipitating stimulus.
- Mumbling, incoherent speech or nonsensical babbling.
- Lack of awareness of surroundings.
- Violence toward individuals, property or objects.
Course of Action: Call RCCD Police to make the appropriate counseling/hospitalization determinations. If the student prefers to see a mental health counselor, call the Wellness Center to escort the student.
Substance Overdose
Student may or may not exhibit:
- Slurred speech
- Drowsiness
- Dilated or constricted pupils
- Disorientation
- Twitching or extreme nervousness
- Unconsciousness
- Slow breathing or pulse
Course of Action: Call 911 RCCD Police immediately and notify the Wellness Center. If a student is threatening or uncooperative, call RCCD Police for assistance.
A student who has ingested or inhaled a lethal substance may be awake and talking coherently; however, they may become a medical emergency very quickly. Do not leave them alone at any time. They require swift medical intervention.
Substance Intoxication
Student may or may not manifest:
- Slurred speech
- Ebullient or expansive mood
- Belligerence or destructive hostility
- Disorientation or drowsiness
- Odor of alcohol on breath
- Glassy eyes, slow responses to questions
- Nervousness, irritability
- Irrational speech or behavior
Course of Action: Call RCCD Police for assistance.
Contact Phone Numbers
- Wellness Center: (951) 571-6103
- RCCD Police Non-Emergency: (951) 222-8171
- Emergency: 911 (Calls are sent to RCCD Police)
- Employees or students may report distressed, disruptive or dangerous behavior to any team member.
- The team member will complete an incident report in preparation for the following SAFE meeting.
- The committee will decide from time to time who in the committee will be a central person to report by phone to other members in those cases deemed emergent telephone triage will be noted at the bottom of the SAFE incident intake report form which is limited to the committee's use.
- If deemed an emergency by the team member, the team member will notify RCCD Police (911 or ext. 8171), then the Vice President of Student Services or his designee as soon as possible.
- The reporting person may remain anonymous.
- If an employee is reporting a difficult situation with another employee, the referring party should be told to contact Human Resources Director.
- The report will be discussed among members of the team at the next scheduled meeting, with a recommendation for action to the faculty member within one week of the BIRT meeting.
- Recommendations may or may not include consultation with the Dean, Student Development and Wellness for disciplinary action, or the Vice President, Student Services.
College can be an exciting time, and it can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful. Depression, anxiety, substance use, and eating disorders are common mental health issues experienced by students.
Counseling and support services can help students identify and manage personal concerns, learn more about themselves, and make positive life changes. Talking about issues and concerns in a safe and confidential environment can enable students to become more successful in college and life.