Undocumented Students and Dreamers
RCCD Institutions Follow the California Values Act
Legal Advisory 18-01 (pdf) What to do if ICE Visits (pdf) Resources
Dreamers Welcome
At MVC, your success is our priority. We're proud to be home to and support dreamers. Our community of allies is ready and willing to help every undocumented student on their personal and academic journeys.
Support is Available
We understand the unique challenges of undocumented students, and offer a wide rage of support services designed to assist you in meeting your educational goals.
- Financial Aid
- Counseling and Advising
- Basic Needs and Wellness
- Academic Support
- Access to Legal Support
Free Webinar: DACA - Where We Are Now
Learn More
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a federal process that defers removal action of an individual by USCIS for a specified number of years.
- It is not the same as financial aid
- It does not grant lawful immigration status
- It does allow individuals to apply for a SSN and work authorization
How does this impact your financial aid applications? California Dreamers should file a CA Dream Act Application instead of a FAFSA and submit a Non-SSN GPA. If you or your school submits your certified GPA using your DACA SSN, make sure you include that DACA SSN on question #8 of your CA Dream Act Application.
The California Dream Act of 2011 is the result of two bills, Assembly Bill 130 (AB 130) and Assembly Bill 131 (AB 131). Together, these bills allow undocumented and documented students who meet certain provisions of AB 540 law (see below) to apply for and receive private scholarships funneled through public universities (AB 130), state-administered financial aid, university grants, and community college fee waivers (AB 131).
The annual deadline to apply for the California Dream Act Application is March 2. Students must complete this application annually.
Promise Program
The Promise Program is open to all recent high school graduates, regardless of immigration status (though you meet AB540 qualifications). Full-time students accepted into the Promise Program will receive FREE tuition and fees, book support, and a dedicated community of scholars and staff to support you on your path to completion. Certain restrictions apply.
MVC encourages all students, regardless of citizenship status, to apply for scholarships to ease the financial burden of attending college. MVC students have the option to apply for annual scholarships offered by the Riverside Community College District (RCCD) Foundation, or to explore scholarship options from community organizations. Deadlines and eligibility requirements vary, but scholarship awards are a great way to supplement your college expenses.
Non-resident students who live outside of California or internationally receive a phenomenal education, but are required to pay additional fees as their state and local taxes do not help subsidize their college tuition. You may be eligible for an exemption if you are a refugee student or are able to establish residency in Riverside County.
The State of California further provides for students who have been granted special immigrant visas or were admitted to the United States as refugees the right to be exempt from paying non-resident tuition. This is covered by Assembly Bill AB 2210 and Article 6 “Exceptions to Residence Determination.” MVC has exemptions available for those who qualify under Assembly Bill 540, Senate Bill 141, and Assembly Bill 2210.

The DREAM Center provides a space for student services to connect with students seeking information about financial aid, student rights, and more. Stop by to discover resources tailored to immigrant and undocumented students.
Welcome Center, Common Grounds -
Free legal assistance

The Perris-based TODEC Legal Center provides local residents with free DACA renewal application, legal and USCIS fee help. Take advantage of their free services by filling our their online application form. A TODEC staff member will follow up with your request. You will receive a telephone call from our scheduling department 1 to 4 business days after your request is received, excluding Holidays observed and Weekends.
Support is available in both English and Español.
- Print-Your-Own Red Cards: Hand these to immigration enforcement if you are stopped
- What to do if ICE Comes to Campus
- How You Can Support Undocumented Students at MVC
- Employee Steps for Immigration Enforcement Visits
- Immigrants Rising offers support to immigrant and undocumented students
- NALEO provides immigration resources with information about your rights, common questions, and more
- United We Dream is an organization supporting immigrant and undocumented families
- The Immigrant Legal Resource Center provides resources for immigrants, community organizations, and the legal sector in advocacy, as well as shape law and policy. Their community resources page provides access to legal help in your area, print-at-home resources, preparedness toolkits, ICE activity reporting, and more.
- The California Student Aid Commission offers CalGrants to undocumented students
- Setting up a StudentAid.Gov account if you don't have a social security number
- How to verify identity without an SSN
- Keep in mind: your parents’ citizenship status does not affect your eligibility for federal student aid. The FAFSA doesn’t even ask about your parents’ status.
- Find free DACA application and legal assistance through the TODEC Legal Center
- State of California: Assembly Bill AB 2210 and Article 6 “Exceptions to Residence Determination.”