Mailroom and Copy Center
The Mailroom, Copy Center, and Warehouse provides mailboxes, intercollege mail processing and incoming postal mail distribution; photocopying; and receiving and shipping services.
Copy Center

The Copy Center is equipped with one, high-speed copy machine to handle copy requests. Stapling, three-hole punch, and one and two-side prints can be completed upon request.
Submit a Copy Request
Copy requests can either be hard copy originals attached to a Copy Request Form PDF or as a file attachment on an email sent to Hard copy originals can be turned in to the mailroom in the requisition drop box.
Allow a minimum of three working days for copy jobs. Emergency/walk-up jobs may be done on a limited basis. Due to workload, machine downtimes and staffing we may not be able to accept emergency/walk-up jobs.
Unexpected downtimes and turnaround time delays may be caused by equipment breakdown. Please allow extra time whenever possible.
Plain white paper is available in the following sizes: 8.5" x 11", 8.5" x 14", and 11" x 17"
- Paper colors: White, blue, green, pink, salmon and yellow
- Paper types: standard, cardstock (white only)
Employees of Riverside Community College District will abide by all aspects of the Copyright Law, Title 17 of the United States Code, to the extent possible under authoritative interpretation of the law.
The MVC Support Center or Copy Center is not responsible for obtaining permission to print material protected by copyright laws. It is the responsibility of the person submitting the print request to ensure the copyright laws have not been violated. Originators of print request are responsible if copyright laws are inadvertently violated. All copyrighted material must fall within the permissible guidelines of the copyright law, or have written permission from the author; it is the obligation of the requester to obtain same.
You are responsible for obtaining permission to copy books and course packets. Copyrights can be often be obtained by using the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) website.
Due to legal restrictions resulting from copyright laws, copyrighted material will not be duplicated by the Copy Center unless WRITTEN PERMISSION is received from the copyright holder. If it appears that duplication of material received by the Copy Center would violate copyright law, the material will be returned to the requesting party.
For more about copyright, please visit the Copyright Office's website. Copyright rules are also governed by RCCD's Board Policy and Administrative procedure 2750.
Mailroom and Mailboxes
Mailboxes are available for administrators, departments, and full and part-time faculty. The list is generated and updated every semester by the Instructional Department Specialists (IDS) and Administrative Assistants for departments.
- Collecting mail after hours: If you are an MVC faculty member who works at MVC after normal mailroom operational hours, you can pick up your mail in the Student Academic Services Building, Room 317. This is ONLY available for those faculty who do not work at MVC during normal mailroom operational hours: 6:30 am - 4:30 pm. If you have not been set up with an after-hours mailbox, contact your Instructional Department Specialist (IDS).
The mailroom receives mail from United States Postal Service, sorts and distributes mail to be placed in college mailboxes or sent out to other colleges.
- Pick-up time: 9 am
- Three color-coded bins are provided for outgoing mail to colleges and education centers.
- Blue bin for anything for the District offices or Riverside City College
- Black bin for Ben Clark Training Center
- Yellow bin for Norco College
No students or unauthorized personnel are allowed in the mailroom.
The warehouse receives and shipping from UPS, Office Depot, Reliable and FedEx Ground and Express, etcetera.
Contact Us
Phone Number: |
(951) 571-6145 |
Mailroom Hours: |
Fall, winter and spring: Summer: |
Copy Center Hours: |
Fall, winter and spring: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4:30 Complete the Copy Request Form and send copy requests to Your subject line should read "Copy Request." |