The Moreno Valley College Council maintains and supports accreditation standards, comprehensive operational planning and ensures continuous improvement of academic and service quality. The Council makes recommendations to the College president and oversees and directs the work of its three subcomittees and any associated workgroups.

Meetings Agendas and Minutes Support Documentation


The purpose of the College Council shall be to propose integrated planning based on sustainable continuous quality improvement as it pertains to shared governance and the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Standards. To that end, the College Council will:

  • use and promote integrated planning as the basis for all planning at MVC,
  • ensure that outcomes assessment is ongoing, systematic, and used for continuous quality improvement,
  • support the college dialogue about student learning outcomes for courses, programs, support services, certificates, and degrees,
  • communicate regularly with the Academic Senate, including all information and action items from meetings of the College Council,
  • forward recommendations from the committees to the President of the College, and,
  • follow-up with the College President and Academic Senate as recommendations move forward to the District Strategic Planning Committee and to the Board of Trustees.

Council Bylaws (pdf)

Standing Committees


The College Council meets during the fall and spring semesters, and follows the most recent approved Moreno Valley College Governance Committee Meeting Calendar.

2024-25 Agendas and Minutes SPC Archive Submit Agenda Items

Date Time Location
August 30 (Retreat) 12:50 - 2:50 pm SAS 101 or Zoom
September 25 12:50 - 2:50 pm SAS 101 or Zoom
October 23 12:50 - 2:50 pm SAS 101 or Zoom
November 20 12:50 - 2:50 pm SAS 101 or Zoom
Date Time Location

February 26

12:50 - 2:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

March 26

12:50 - 2:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

April 30

12:50 - 2:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

May 28

12:50 - 2:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom


  • Faculty Co-Chair: Joel Webb
  • Classified Professional Co-Chair: Arlene Serrato
  • Administrative Co-Chair: Brandi Avila
  • Voting Members:
    • Co-Chairs of every subcommittee
    • ASMVC voting members: To Be Announced
    • Academic Senate Representative: Adam Navas
  • Non-Voting Members:
    • Faculty Accreditation Liaison: Sonya Nyrop
    • Recorder: Shantine Alex