Curriculum Committee
Creating Pathways to Educational Success
Welcome to the Curriculum Committee! As a standing committee of the Academic Senate, the Moreno Valley College (MVC) Curriculum Committee reviews and approves credit and non-credit courses and educational programs of the college.
The MVC Curriculum Committee approves all credit and non-credit courses and educational programs of the college and makes recommendations to the Academic Senate related to them. It is the responsibility of all involved in curriculum development and approval to make sure that the college curriculum is sound, that it complies with all regulations, and helps students to achieve their educational and professional goals. The Committee remains committed to educating and empowering our students, providing equitable access to education, and serving our communities.
The Curriculum Committee follows the most recent Governance Committee Meeting Calendar. Unless otherwise noted, the Committee meets on the second and fourth Tuesday from 2 - 4 pm during the fall and spring semesters. All meetings are open to the college community and to the public. The committee uses Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised (2000) in the conduct of its meetings and follows Brown Act procedures.
August 27 |
2 - 4 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
September 10 |
2 - 4 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
September 24 |
2 - 4 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
October 8 |
2 - 4 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
October 22 |
2 - 4 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
November 12 |
2 - 4 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
- Nick Sinigaglia, Faculty Co-Chair
- Dan Clark, English Studies
- Rachel Dyer, Health and Human Services
- Norma Flores Martínez, Communications, English and World Languages
- Lauren "Ally" Johnson, Visual and Performing Arts
- Jim Lambert, Public Safety
- Deanna Murrell, Articulation Officer
- Kasey Nguyen, STEM - Mathematics and Computer Information Systems
- Carmen Perches, Counseling
- Ann Pfeifle, Humanities, Education Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Debbi Renfrow, Library and Learning Resources
- Stephen Wagner, STEM - Natural Sciences
- Joumana McGowan, Vice President - Academic Affairs, ALO, Administrative Co-Chair
- Anna Marie Amezquita, Dean of Instruction, Communications and Liberal Arts
- Eric Anthony, Dean of Instruction, Career & Technical Education
- Sabina Fernandez, Support Staff and Recorder
- Lisa Hausladen, Assessment Coordinator
- Tamina Morshed, Humanities, Education Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Abiodun Osanyinpeju (Peju), Dean of Instruction, STEM
- Phillip Rawlings, Dean of Instruction, Public Safety
- Tom Vitzelio, Dean, Student Success and Academic Support
- Jamin Northrop, Student Representative (ASMVC)
Curriculum Development
AB928 and Cal-GETC General Education Breadth
- AB928 - Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021
- AB928 Memo from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
- ICAS Approved GE Transfer Pathway Memo
- Cal-GETC Standards
CSUGE Area F, Ethnic Studies
- MVC Catalog
- RCCD CurriQunet for employees and public access
- RCCD Curriculum Committee
- Meeting and Curriculum Schedule for 2024-25
- Meeting and Curriculum Schedule for 2023-24
- RCCD Curriculum Proposal Forms
- RCCD C-ID Progress Report UPDATED OCTOBER 2022
- RCCD Curriculum Handbook - Parts 1 and 2
- Unit Calculator
- Resolution on Sunsetting Courses
Minimum Qualifications
Course Approval, Codes and Taxonomies
- CCC Curriculum Submission and Approval Technical Manual
- Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) 8th Edition
- California Community College Taxonomy of Programs (TOP Codes), May 2023
- TOP and Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes Crosswalk
- Browse CIP Codes - National Center for Education Statistics
Newsletters and Articles
Open Educational Resources and Curriculum
- Open Educational Resources and the Course Outline of Record by Skyline College
- Articulation, Curriculum, and Open Educational Resources by ASCCC
Related Committees
Local Tech Review Group
The Local Tech Review Group reviews any technical issues of incoming or current curriculum proposals prior District Technical Review Committee. The meetings are open to faculty regarding any curriculum questions.
- Faculty Co-Chair: Nick Sinigaglia
- Articulation Officer: Deanna Murrell
- Administrative Co-Chair: Joumana McGowan
- Support Staff: Sabina Fernandez
- Meeting schedule: Every other Thursday during the fall and spring terms via Zoom. Contact support staff Sabina Fernandez for meeting information.