Assessment Committee
The Moreno Valley Assessment Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. Moreno Valley College embraces the principle that effective and meaningful assessment is an integral part of the educational process. This principle is at the heart of our commitment to meet our responsibilities to our students, profession, and the communities that we serve. Embracing multiple and diverse voices in the assessment process enhances the collaborative spirit we consider essential for our mission driven work.
- Serve as consultants for assessment projects and leaders to support a culture of assessment
- Regularly review College assessment policies and procedures and recommend improvements to the Vice President, Academic Affairs
- Support College and department assessment representatives with information and resources to maintain and carry out current assessment plans
- Update the College's assessment webpage with current developments, projects, and resources associated with assessment at MVC and in the larger community of higher education
- Disseminate data that are gathered through assessment projects with stakeholders
- About Assessment Projects
- Submit an Assessment Project in Nuventive
- CurrIQunet and CurrIQunet Public Search
- MVC Program Review
- California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office MIS Data Mart
- The Research & Planning Group for California Community Colleges
- Assessment Committee Documents
- General Education and Institutional Learning Outcomes
12:50 - 1:50 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
12:50 - 1:50 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
12:50 - 1:50 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
12:50 - 1:50 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
12:50 - 1:50 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
April 24 |
12:50 - 1:50 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
May 15 |
12:50 - 1:50 pm |
SAS 101 or Zoom |
- Lisa Hausladen - Health and Human Services, Assessment Coordinator, Co-Chair
- Jacob Kevari - Dean, Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Co-Chair
- Sabina Fernandez - Instructional Programs Support Coordinator
- Norma Flores Martinez - Communications, English, and World Languages
- Monica Hernandez - Humanities, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Fen Johnson - Mathematics and Computer Information Systems
- Vacant - Natural Sciences
- Jim Lambert - Public Safety, Education and Training
- Tahmina Morshed - Humanities, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Fernando Nahon Valero - Communications, English, and World Languages
- Andrea Stoll - Business
- Mario Vega Sanchez - Communications, English, and World Languages
- Vacant - Visual and Performing Arts
- Jennifer Willey - Communications, English, and World Languages
- Thomas Yancey - Health and Human Services
Assessment Projects
Assessment reports are submitted via Nuventive Solutions, a flexible software system that has an intuitive web-based interface that makes it easier for faculty and for staff to collaborate on planning and reporting assessment activities. An Assessment Report should be submitted or renewed every year by September 15 for courses offered in the spring and summer, or by February 28 for courses offered in the fall and winter.
All course SLOs should be assessed during your comprehensive program review cycle. If a course is offered at least once per year, at least one SLO should be assessed annually. If a course is offered less frequently, at least one SLO should be assessed every time the course is offered.
This semester we are offering one-on-one Assessment Coaching Sessions. Please contact the Assessment Committee's faculty co-chair to schedule a coaching session or with any questions. Be sure to bring your completed Assessment Template document, as the coaching sessions are intended to be hands-on.
General Education and Institutional Learning Outcomes
General education prepares students to be able to demonstrate an understanding of how knowledge is discovered and constructed in the natural sciences, the social and behavioral sciences, the humanities, and language and rationality. Students will understand the methods of inquiry that underlie the search for knowledge in these fields. In addition, students will gain demonstrable skills in four broad interdisciplinary areas.
The General Education Student Learning Outcomes were approved by the Board of Trustees on September 18, 2012.
Students will be able to demonstrate higher order thinking skills about issues, problems, and explanations for which multiple solutions are possible. Students will be able to explore problems and, where possible, solve them. Students will be able to develop, test, and evaluate rival hypotheses. Students will be able to construct sound arguments and evaluate the arguments of others.
Students will be able to use technology to locate, organize, and evaluate information. They will be able to locate relevant information, judge the reliability of sources, and evaluate the evidence contained in those sources as they construct arguments, make decisions, and solve problems.
Students will be able to communicate effectively in diverse situations. Be able to create, express and interpret meaning in oral, visual and written forms. Will also be able to demonstrate quantitative literacy and the ability to use graphical, symbolic and numerical methods to analyze, organize, and interpret data.
Students will be able to develop goals and devise strategies for personal development and well-being. Be able to demonstrate an understanding of what it means to be an ethical human being and effective citizen in their awareness of diversity and various cultural viewpoints.
Students should be able to synthesize information through application of knowledge, skills and responsibilities to new settings and complex problems.