Business Services program review is a collaborative goal-setting and assessment process designed to improve and refine business services and college resource allocation. All units and the overall division undergo regular self-study to comprehensively assess the division's institutional effectiveness and alignment with the College's mission and strategic goals.

Division of Business Services

Comprehensive Reports

Comprehensive Reports are completed on a three-year cycle and are available to the public. Annual reports are completed each year by October 1 and are stored in Nuventive Solutions.

2022-23 Comprehensive Reports 

Resource Requests

Resource requests for the Business Services division are compiled and evaluated yearly.

Annual Resource Requests All Divisions Combined


Business Services units document outcomes from prior years, set goals for the upcoming fiscal year, and request resources to meet established goals. These reports and resource requests are compiled and ranked by division representatives in order of priority. Resource allocations and planning for each unit are directly impacted by this planning process.

Nuventive Solutions is the platform used for annual and comprehensive program review.

Involved Departments

  • Division of Business Services (Vice President)
  • Facilities
  • Food Services
  • Technology Support Services


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