We meet and exceed all accrediting standards, as a college and for the programs we offer.

Excellence in Education

Moreno Valley College is accredited by the ACCJC (Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges), an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. The ACCJC is one of seven regional accrediting commissions. Professional educations programs often require separate review to maintain rigorous standards. 

Recent Accreditation Work Program Accreditations Reports and Letters


Student reported training satisfaction
Wage increase after completing training
Associate degrees offered by MVC
statistics bg

Recent Accreditation Work

Access the most recent ACCJC letters, College reports, data and other accreditation-relevant information.

View All Reports and Letters

Your Voice Matters

Transparency is key to continuously progressing as an educational institution. We encourage community comments, ideas, feedback and complaints — share your views directly with our review team for immediate action. You can also use the ACCJC's complaint or third-party comment forms within our reporting period to be included in the accreditation process.

Make Comments to ACCJC Student or Public Complaint to ACCJC

Professional Program Accreditations

Several Moreno Valley College programs of study are accredited by external organizations. These accreditations allow our students to have full confidence in the value and quality of their training, credentials and licenses.

Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistant programs, as two distinct pathways of study, are accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, a specialized accrediting body recognized by the US Department of Education. Program Goals and Competencies are developed to adhere to licensure and accreditation mandates which are the industry standard. Both program's accreditation status are "approval without reporting requirements” (To be reviewed: Dental Assistant 2026, Dental Hygiene 2026). The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312) 440-4653 or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. www.ada.org/en/coda

Dental Hygiene Accreditation Letter (pdf) Dental Hygiene Program 

Dental Assisting Accreditation Letter (pdf) Dental Assisting Program

Moreno Valley College’s EMS (Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic) program is accredited by the CAAHEP (Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs). It was granted "continuing accreditation" status on January 16, 2020 with review to occur no later than 2025. The CAAHEP can be contacted at (727) 210-2350 or at 1361 Park Street, Clearwater, FL 33756. www.caahep.org

EMS Program Accreditation Letter (pdf) EMS Program 

The Moreno Valley College Regional Fire Academy is accredited by the California State Fire Marshal and State Board of Fire Services. Program accreditation was granted on August 20, 2020 and is valid for five years. The State Fire Marshal can be contacted at (916) 445-8200 or at Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Office of the State Fire Marshal, P.O. Box 944246, Sacramento, CA 94244-2460. www.fire.ca.gov

State Accreditation Certificate (pdf) Fire Academy Program 

Our Law Enforcement training is certified and accredited by the Board of Corrections, Standards and Training and the Commission on Peace Officer Standards & Training. The State of California makes every attempt to achieve and sustain the highest level of law enforcement professionals and consistency of service delivery. Additional organizational accreditation information can be found by visiting Riverside County Sheriff Department's Accreditation and Certification.

Fostering Student Learning and Achievement

ACCJC Voluntary Self/Peer Regulation and Evaluation

To provide quality education and operate efficiently as an organization we need to effectively direct resources, mindfully offer programs and services while providing support to students, staff and faculty as needed for their success. MVC, along with its US peers, participates in self regulation/evaluations to achieve accredited status as overseen by the Commission (Purpose and Process).  

Our good standing lets the public know that we have achieved, maintained and evolved the highest standards, bringing value to students who earn their education at our institution. Employers, trade/professional licensing agencies and other colleges/universities know they can accept a MVC student’s credentials as legitimate and equal to courses offered at other accredited organizations. 

Eligibility Requirements Commission Actions Standards and Policies