Fire Technology Frequent Questions
Answers to Your Questions
Yes, information can be found at the bottom of the Fire Technology page.
Yes, information can be found at the bottom of the Fire Technology page.
The Fire Technology program is based at MVC's Ben Clark campus.
School of Public Safety Building
20629 11th Street
Riverside, CA 92518
You can review all MVC classes on the class schedule page, or refer to the State Fire Training courses page for current offerings.
Find the class you are interested in on the Fire Technology Courses page. You must complete the reservation form. Once we receive a complete package, we will enroll you in the class and send you an email confirming your enrollment.
Since California State Fire Marshal Classes are conducted through Moreno Valley College, a college application is required. This is also required in order to receive college credit for the course. Be sure to choose the appropriate semester/term.
Choose "COA, Fire Technology-Chief Fire Office" or "COA, Fire Technology-Fire Officer" for the major. Once you complete your application, print out the “Application Confirmation” page and submit it along with your reservation form, and then include a check or money order for the amount of the class. Please write the name of the class you are taking on the check or money order.
The cost of State Fire Training courses is included in course information. Refer to the Fire Technology Courses page. Payment is required when the reservation form is submitted. We accept checks or money orders. If you want to pay by credit card, contact Admissions & Records at (951) 571-6370 for information. We cannot accept Cash.
Please note that non-resident fees are not listed in the course description. Additional fees for non-resident students may apply.
College credit is given for State Fire Marshal classes conducted through Moreno Valley College. The amount of units for a class is listed in the course description.
Course fees do not include the cost of textbooks. Students are responsible for providing their own texts.
Students can pre-order their textbooks at the College's Bookstore and have it sent to your address or pick up the texts at the bookstore before class begins. Textbooks can also be purchased online at Barnes & Noble, Firefighters Bookstore, or any other bookstore. The student is responsible for making arrangements to have the book for class.
An email will be sent confirming enrollment in a class. Any incomplete packets will be sent back.
Handouts given out in class will be limited. Instructors may post additional information on a Canvas site. Information regarding access to this site will be provided to you prior to class so handouts and any assignments can be downloaded, printed, and/or completed prior to the first day of class.
You can sign up for a class once it is posted on the Fire Technology Courses page.
Class rosters have a limited amount of space available. Once the class roster is full, a waiting list will be established. We will let you know what list you are on. Once the waiting list is full, the class calendar will note that the class is full and we cannot accept further reservations. If spaces become available, we will reopen the link for the class. You will need to periodically check back with our website in order to know if a class has been reopened.
If you need to cancel a class for any reason, notify us as soon as possible. You can email us at Let us know the title and dates of the class you want to cancel. You can also call us at (951) 571-6197.
If prerequisites are required (and you did not take the class within the Riverside Community College District), submit a copy of the certificate or course completion with your reservation packet. If taking a prerequisite course at a different institution, provide a proof of receipt or a letter from the instructor stating that you took the prerequisite course.
Students can show proof of prerequisite to the instructor on the first day of class. Failure to provide proof of prerequisites can result in being drop from the class.