State Fire Training Courses
Professional Development and Fire Training Courses
MVC offers fire technology professional development courses in conjunction with the California State Fire Marshal's Office, National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI), and the International Public Safety Leadership & Ethics Institute (IPSLEI). Students who wish to take any State Fire Training Courses must complete eligibility and enrollment requirements.
Enroll in Courses
Reservation forms and accompanying materials for winter and spring 2025 classes are being accepted.
Available Classes
Last updated March 17, 2025. Email if you have questions. All costs include a health fee paid once per term. If taking multiple courses in the same term, factor in a price reduction of $24 (fall/spring) or $20 (winter/summer) per additional class.
Course | Term/Course Dates | More Information |
I-300 |
Spring 2025 |
Cost: $122 |
Haz Mat 1C |
Spring 2025 |
Cost: $54 |
Enrollment Process
You will not be enrolled in classes until we receive all pertinent paperwork in your reservation packet. Email documentation to
- Apply to MVC. When applying, choose the correct term and set your Program of Study to COA, Fire Technology, Fire Academy. If you plan to take additional classes, save your CCCApply login information. Save a copy of your application confirmation page to include a printed copy with your reservation packet.
- Complete the Fire Technology Reservation Form for State Fire Training Classes.
- Provide proof of any prerequisites completed or in-progress.
- Pay for your course(s) on the first day of class online through MyPortal. Costs include enrollment, health and certificate fees. Health fees are charged once
per term; the total cost of any additional courses taken in the same term will be
reduced as a result. Non-residency fees are extra per unit. Fees are subject to change
at any time. See tuition information for exact costs.
- Sponsored students: indicate your agency or department on your reservation form if they will be paying your fees. An invoice will be sent to your department. Health fees are prorated.
- Any refunds are issued approximately 6-8 weeks after the refund deadline. Immediate refunds are not available.
Apply to MVC Reservation Form (pdf) Tuition Information
Location and Lodging
- Courses are hosted at the Ben Clark Training Center.
- Lodging is available on site for $34 per night. Call (951) 571-8612 for more information.
Contact Us
If you have questions about enrollment in state fire training courses, reach out to the Fire Technology program.
Rhonda Patterson
(951) 571-6311 -
Phillip Rawlings
Dean of Instruction, School of Public Safety
Fire Fighter Certification
- Course Description: A six-week physical conditioning and Fire Academy orientation program that prepares future fire academy cadets for the physical and emotional demands of the Fire Academy. Students will participate in muscular strength development, cardio-respiratory endurance training, body composition assessment, physical agility and flexibility training. Additionally, students will be introduced to the paramilitary format of the Fire Academy and the expectations that are placed on Fire Academy cadets. 24 hours lecture and 24 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1.5
- Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in this course is contingent upon acceptance into the Basic Fire Academy
- Course Description: Reinforces, combines, and integrates the skills learned in the basic fire academy in accordance with the State Fire Marshal (SFM) Firefighter I curriculum. Successful completion of this course provides the student with the opportunity to become certified as a firefighter in the State of California and outside of California with those states that offer reciprocity. This course is designed to provide students the ability to complete the online Written and the Skills Certification Tests required by SFT in order to obtain a Firefighter I (FFI) Certificate. Learn more about FIT-S3B Certification Testing.
- Prerequisites: None
- Advisories: FIT-S3
- College Units: 1 unit
- Optional certification fee: $225. Fees may be subject to change in this academic year at the discretion of State Fire Training.
- Limitation on Enrollment: OSFM certified Firefighter 1 or certified Firefighter 2 tenured path (Appointment to the rank of Officer (Lieutenant or higher) waives this prerequisite. Appointment to the CAL FIRE rank of Fire Apparatus Engineer is equivalent to Officer level. Performing in an “acting” capacity does not fulfill this requirement.)
Advanced Firefighting
- Course Description: This course is approached from a system basis and is applied to both small and large high rise buildings. Topics include: prefire planning, building inventory, problem identification, ventilation methods, water supply, elevators, life safety, strategy and tactics, application of the Incident Command System and specific responsibilities. Case studies and simulation are used. Optional State Fire Marshal certification available (fee may vary). 20.00 hours lecture and 20.00 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1
- Limitations on Enrollment: Office of the State Fire Marshall (OSFM) certified Firefighter 1 or certified Firefighter 2 tenured path (appointment to the rank of Officer (Lieutenant or higher) waives this prerequisite. Appointment to the CAL FIRE rank of Fire Apparatus Engineer is equivalent to Officer level. Performing in an “acting” capacity does not fulfill this requirement.
- Training held at: Soboba Casino Resort, 22777 Soboba Rd., San Jacinto, CA 92583
Fire Service Leadership
These courses are part of a professional development program designed for experienced firefighters within the firefighting industry. An Associate of Science or Certificate is available. Completion of these courses do not ensure certification from the State Fire Marshal's Office for non-sworn personnel, but do help students meet certification requirements.
- Course Description: Designed to provide information for Company Officers on the use of human resources to accomplish assignments, evaluate member's performance, supervising personnel, and integrating health and safety plans, polices, and procedures into daily activities as well as the emergency scene. State Fire Marshal Company Officer course. 40 hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 2 units
- Course Description: Designed to provide information on general administrative functions and the implementation of department policies and procedures and addresses conveying the fire department's role, image, and mission to the public. State Fire Marshal Company Officer course. 20 hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1 unit
- Course Description: Provides information on conducting inspections, identifying hazards and addressing violations, performing a fire investigation to determine preliminary cause, securing the incident scene and preserving evidence. This course satisfies in-service career advancement to the company officer level. 40 hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 2 units
- Course Description: Designed to provide information on conducting incident size-up, developing and implementing an initial plan of action involving single and multiunit operations for various types of emergency incidents to mitigate the situation following agency safety procedures, conducting pre-incident planning, and develop and conduct a post-incident analysis. State Fire Marshal Company Officer course. 20 hours lecture and 20 hours lab.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 2 units
- Course Description: Designed to provide information on evaluating and reporting incident conditions, analyzing incident needs, developing and implementing a plan of action to deploy incident resources to suppress a wildland fire, establish an incident command post and completing incident records and reports. State Fire Marshal Company Officer course. 28 hours lecture and 12 hours lab.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1.5 units
- Course Description: Designed to provide students with knowledge of the human resource requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including developing plans for employee accommodations, developing hiring procedures, establishing personnel assignments, and developing a measurable accident and injury program. State Fire Marshal Chief Officer course. 28 hours lecture. This course is required for the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer Certificate.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1.5 units
- Course Description: Designed to provide information on the roles and responsibilities of budgeting for a Chief Fire Officer including developing a budget management system, developing a division or department budget and describing the process for ensuring competitive bidding. State Fire Marshal Chief Officer course. 20 hours lecture. This course is required for the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer Certificate.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1 unit
- Course Description: This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the administration requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including directing a department record management system, analyzing and interpreting records and data, developing a model plan for continuous organizational improvement, developing a plan to facilitate approval, preparing community awareness programs, and evaluating the inspection program of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. State Fire Marshal Chief Officer course. 24 hours lecture. This course is required for the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer Certificate.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1 unit
- Course Description: This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the emergency service requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including developing a plan for the integration of fire services resources, developing an agency resource contingency plan, evaluating incident facilities, supervising multiple resources, developing and utilizing an incident action plan, obtaining incident information to facilitate transfer of command, developing and conducting post-incident analysis, and maintaining incident records. State Fire Marshal Chief Officer Course. 24 Hours Lecture. This course is required for the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer Certificate.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1 unit
Fire Instructor
- Course Description: Course is based on current National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards which include NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Instructor Professional Qualifications (2012). 24 hours of lecture and 16 hours of laboratory required. This course is required for the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer Certificate.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1.5 units
- Course Description: Course from the California Fire Services Training and Education System based on current National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards which include NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Instructor Professional Qualifications (2012). 24 hours lecture and 16 hours lab. This course is required for the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer Certificate.
- Prerequisites: FIT-INS1 Instructor I (to obtain State Fire Marshal certificate)
- College Units: 1.5 units
Emergency Medical Services
- Course Description: EMTs (Emergency Medical Technician) are required by law to be re-certified every two years. EMTs may fulfill this requirement by taking EMT refresher courses, such as the 24-hour EMT refresher course designed by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). This course will meet and exceed those requirements.
- Learn more: Learn about EMS Programs
Ethics in Public Safety
- Course Description: This course will introduce the California Public Safety Leadership Certificate Program, providing the participants with a deepened understanding of self as it relates to leadership philosophies, knowledge, skills and abilities. each participant will explore his or her own core values and begin to develop a personal philosophy of leadership. Through course presentations, dialogue and learning activities the participant will identify his or her leadership roles in the community to include self, family, professional and social, as well as define the difference between leaders and managers. The participant will complete self-assessments to gain insights into his or her personal leadership style and characteristics and participate in video and written case studies to further explore his or her understanding of leadership. 45 hours of lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 2.5 units
- Course Description: This course is the second in the International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Institute Program. This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively and ethically lead others. The student will explore various aspects of exercising ethical leadership as they relate to team building, delegating, facilitating conflict resolution, coaching, and mentoring. The student will also gain an understanding of communication processes, empowerment, and leading in an ever-changing and diverse environment. The student will explore various theories of leadership, including situational leadership, transformation leadership, net-centric, and servant leadership. 45 hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 2 units
- Course Description: This course is the third in the continuing series of the International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Program. The students will explore the leadership process and the leader-follower relationship within organizational settings. Additionally, the influence of organizational culture, values, and contemporary societal issues on leadership effectiveness will be explored as well as the concept of organizational health, defenses, and change. Students will also explore how a person exercising leadership moves an organization from vision to action. 45 Hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 2.5 units
- Course Description: This is the final course in the International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Program. Students will correlate personal core values and characteristics to complex ethical decisions and behaviors. In addition, the student will explore ethical and principal-centered leadership including ethical systems, ethical dilemmas, and ethical decision-making models. The student will also examine challenges and develop strategies for exercising leadership in agencies serving diverse and dynamic communities. 45 Lecture.
- Prerequisites: FIT-INS1 Instructor I (to obtain State Fire Marshal certificate)
- College Units: 2.5 units
Hazardous Materials
- Course Description: Designed to provide the tools a person needs to assume control of an emergency response to hazardous materials incident. It focuses on how to assess hazards, manage risk, comply with legal requirements and implement protective actions. Instructional methods include class activities, case studies, and table-top exercises with emphasis on hands-on decision making. Certification through California Specialized Training Institute. 16 hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 0.5 units
- Course Description: Introduces defensive tactics to contain, prevent and limit exposure when responding to a hazardous materials incident. Meets and exceeds the requirements of CFR 29 1910.120 and CCR Title 8. 16 hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 0.5 units
Incident Command
- Course Description: This course provides public safety managers and supervisors with the terminology, duties and responsibilities of positions within the Incident Command System. Organizational relationships, flow of information, and emergency incident action planning are topics of discussion. The course provides guidelines for organizational growth during an emergency incident, and demobilization procedures for an emergency incident that is ending. 12 hours of lecture and 12 hours of laboratory required. This course is required for the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer Certificate.
- Prerequisites: I-200 (to obtain State Fire Marshal certificate)
- College Units: 0.5 units
- Optional certification fee: $75. Fees may be subject to change in this academic year at the discretion of State Fire Training.
- Course Description: Provides training for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). Expands upon information covered in ICS 100 through ICS 300 courses, which are prerequisites for the ICS 400 course. 15 hours lecture.
- Prerequisites: I-300 (to obtain State Fire Marshal certificate)
- College Units: 0.5 units
- Optional certification fee: $75. Fees may be subject to change in this academic year at the discretion of State Fire Training.
Equipment Maintenance and Operation
- Course Description: Provides the knowledge and skills needed to perform preventive maintenance and operate fire apparatus. Topics include: routine tests, inspections, servicing functions, and operating a fire apparatus under a variety of conditions. Fulfills the requirements for a Class C driver’s license firefighter endorsement. State Fire Marshal Certificate fees (subject to change) are required and will be charged at the time of registration. Fees may be subject to increase in this academic year. 17.5 hours lecture and 22.5 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1 unit
- Course Description: Provides the knowledge and skills needed to operate a fire apparatus, perform preventative maintenance, and perform the following: routine tests, inspections, servicing functions, employ hand, master, and foam fire streams, relay pump operations, supplying water to fire sprinkler and standpipe systems. State Fire Training Certificate fee required (subject to change). Fees may be subject to increase in this academic year. 24 hours lecture and 16 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1.5 units
- Course Description: Provides the knowledge and skills needed to operate and perform preventive maintenance on an aerial apparatus. Topics include routine testing, inspections, and servicing functions on systems and components unique to an aerial apparatus; maneuvering, positioning, and stabilizing an aerial apparatus; maneuvering, positioning, and lowering the aerial device; and deploying and operating an elevated master stream. 20 hours lecture and 20 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1 unit
- Course Description: Provides the knowledge and skills needed to operate a fire department aerial apparatus equipped with a tiller. Topics include practical driving exercises and operating, positioning, and stabilizing the apparatus from both the tractor and tiller positions. 11 hours lecture and 29 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 1 unit
- Course Description: Provides the knowledge and skills needed to operate and perform preventive maintenance on a wild-land fire apparatus. Topics include routine tests, inspections, and servicing functions on the systems and components unique to wild-land fire apparatus, operating a wild-land fire apparatus, and producing effective fire streams. 4.5 hours lecture and 19.5 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 0.5 units
- Course Description: Provides the knowledge and skills needed to operate and perform preventive maintenance on a wild-land fire apparatus. Topics include routine tests, inspections, and servicing functions on the systems and components unique to wild-land fire apparatus, operating a wild-land fire apparatus, and producing effective fire streams. 4.5 hours lecture and 19.5 hours laboratory.
- Prerequisites: None
- College Units: 0.5 units