Firefighter Certification Testing
FIT-S3B: Fire Fighter
State Fire Marshal Fire Fighter I Certification Testing Course
Moreno Valley offers California Fire Fighter certification testing courses designed to prepare fire fighters to pass state certification tests. Currently, we offer certification testing for Fire Fighter 1 according to the curriculum set forth by Cal Fire's State Fire Training.
Certification testing courses do not include any fire fighter training. All participants are expected to have completed their training prior to enrolling.
About the Fire Fighter 1 Certification
Fire Fighter 1 is the first certification in the California Fire Fighter professional certification series. The requirements for this certification can be found in the SFT Procedures Manual. The Fire Fighter 1 Implementation Plan was developed to provide detailed information regarding how and when the transition to this new certification will go into effect.
MVC's Fire Fighter 1 Certification Course
This course is designed to provide students the ability to complete the online Written and the Skills Certification Tests required by SFT in order to obtain a Firefighter I (FFI) Certificate. The class does not include any Firefighter I instruction. It is the responsibility of the student to have completed this (including the hour requirements) as identified in the SFT FFI course plan prior to attending the course.
Students are expected to be familiar with all Structural, Wildland and Hazmat FFI evolutions as found on the 67 SFT FFI Skills Sheets and will be given limited time to practice these skills as identified below. At the completion of the practice portions, testing of the ten mandatory and seven random skills selected by SFT will be conducted.
It is up to each candidate to become familiar with the certification and testing procedures. This course has limited practice and review time; therefore, the testing candidate must be prepared to take the cumulative written test and psychomotor skills before signing up for the testing event.
FFI Certification Course Information (pdf) FFI Certification Course Sign-Up (pdf)
FIT-S3B Course Schedule and Information
No FIT-S3B courses are scheduled at this time.
Questions and Returning Applications
If you have any questions regarding the testing course or testing procedures, or wish to turn in your course applications, please email the Fire Academy Coordinator at
Moreno Valley College (ARTP) conducts all certification exams in conformance with the procedures established by State Fire Training (SFT) and under the supervision of a registered Lead Evaluator with the assistance of registered Psychomotor Skills Evaluators.
SFT develops, validates, and publishes psychomotor skill sheets that reflect the current job function level and National Fire Protection Association Standard (NFPA) edition year for which SFT is accredited. SFT uses standardized psychomotor skill sheets to evaluate the psychomotor skills of pre-service candidates on a statewide basis.