About EOPS
What is EOPS?
Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) provides additional educational and financial support services to those offered by Moreno Valley College to eligible students who have historically experienced economic and educational disadvantages.
Why should you apply to EOPS?
EOPS offers the following services to EOPS participants:
- Priority Registration
- Academic, Career, and Personal Counseling
- One-to-one Tutoring
- Book Vouchers
- Academic Progress Reports
- Transfer/Career Assistance
- Cultural and personal Enrichment activities/workshops
- CARE Program Services available to EOPS Single Parents Head of Household receiving cash aid for self and/or children
Who is eligible to apply for EOPS?
To be eligible to apply for EOPS you must meet all of the following:
- Be a legal resident of the State of California, or be an eligible AB540 student
- Be enrolled Full-Time (12 or more units) during the semester you are accepted into EOPS; 9 units of which must be taken at Moreno Valley College. Disabled students cleared through DSS to take less than 12 units per semester may be enrolled part-time.
- Have not completed more than 45 college degree applicable units
- Be eligible for a California College Promise Grant (CCPG "A" or "B")
- Have completed a recent 2 Year Educational Plan (SEP) or 1 Semester Educational Plan with a Counselor at MVC
How do I apply for EOPS?
The EOPS application period is open twice per year on WebAdvisor. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Fall term: May 4 - June 30
- Spring term: November 1 - 30
Complete the following before submitting the EOPS application:
- Apply to Moreno Valley College and ensure you select MVC as your home college
- Apply for financial aid through www.fafsa.ed.gov and receive the Board of Governor's Fee Waiver ("A" or "B")
- Complete and submit a copy of a two-year or one-semester Student Educational Plan
- High school transcripts may be required if your high school GPA was below 2.5
What happens after I apply for EOPS?
Approximately three weeks after the close of the application period, you will be notified via email whether you are eligible to participate in EOPS. If you are eligible to participate in EOPS, you must attend a mandatory EOPS New Student Orientation and sign an EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract.
For additional information, please call (951) 571-6253.