Fresh, local and handmade

Immerse yourself at Moreno Valley College's Farmer's Market, conveniently located in heart of your college campus! Open to both students and the community, this is your chance to delight in the flavors of locally grown produce, handmade treats, and unique creations every first and third Tuesday of the month from 10 am - 2 pm. Parking is free on these days in Lot D from 8 am - 3 pm.
Farmer holds up a bunch of freshly picked carrots

Locally Grown Goodness

Explore an abundant variety of affordable, delicious fresh fruits, veggies, and organic delights from right here in Southern California.
Close up of someone putting oranges into a mesh bag

Your Campus Community

Both students and community members are encouraged to engage with local farmers and fellow foodies in our lively college atmosphere.
Table filled with colorful fruits and vegetables

$15 in Monty Money

The first 120 students to register in PantrySoft before each Farmer's Market will receive a $15 credit for fresh produce. Re-register after each market. Credit is not valid toward non-agricultural products. Pick up your credit at the student check-in table from market opening until 1 pm. For pick-ups after 1 pm, call the Monty's Market team, as unclaimed credits are distributed after 1 pm.  
How to Access PantrySoft

Basic Needs Resources

Monty's Market food pantry offers enrolled MVC students the opportunity to shop for pantry and home staples twice monthly.
We believe in helping students meet their basic needs. From food to clothing to housing to financial wellness, resources are available.

Market Schedule


Farmer's Market

10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Coudures Plaza

Farmer's Market

10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Coudures Plaza

Farmer's Market

10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Coudures Plaza

Use your WIC and EBT Benefits

Purchase fresh produce from vendors at MVC's farmer's market using your WIC and EBT/CalFresh benefits. Or, ask MVC's Basic Needs team for help signing up for CalFresh—you may qualify for assistance.
CalFresh Logo

EBT Accepted

WIC Logo

WIC Accepted


Contact Us

Have questions? The Moreno Valley College Wellness Center and Basic Needs teams are available to help! 

Email Basic NeedsMonty's Market
  • Location pin icon
    Coudures Plaza
    Open Twice a Month
  • Phone icon
    (951) 571-6263
Heritage Farmer's Market logo
Heritage Farmer's Market

Proud Partners

The Moreno Valley College Farmer's Market is brought to you by the MVC Wellness Center in partnership with Heritage Farmer's Market.

Don't forget to also share your visit on social media and tag @morenovalleycollege! #MVCFarmersMarket #MVCCommunityUnity



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