Join the CalWORKs Program
Become a CalWORKs Student
CalWORKs aims to help students with young families advance their educational and professional
Getting started with CalWORKs at MVC is easy. If you're eligible, apply to MVC as a student, gather your documents, complete the CalWORKs application and return it and supporting documents by email to
We'll help you finish the process from there.
Students seeking to join MVC's CalWORKs program will need Current Proof of Cash Aid or a Welfare-to-Work (WTW) contract or plan. BenefitsCal has more information about these documents (and more programs that can help).
Complete your college admissions process by enrolling and activating your email.
Register for classes according to your first semester educational plan. You'll need to provide a digital copy of your class schedule to the CalWORKs office each term.
Complete your CalWORKs application online or by hand at the CalWORKs office. If you need assistance completing your application, the CalWORKs program can assist. To open the PDF application on your computer, you'll need Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Include current Proof of Cash Aid and your current class schedule in the email to complete your CalWORKS application.
Make appointments with an MVC CalWORKs counselor to review your student education plan. Contact our office to schedule the appointment.
Submit proof of cash aid each term, send in your class schedule, enroll in at least one unit at MVC, and fulfill county compliance requirements.
Myths & Facts About CalWORKs
The Workforce Preparation (WFP) department (CalWORKs) can service any student who receive any form public assistance. |
Students who receive cash aid or have been terminated from the county CalWORKs program within 24-months or less are eligible. |
The WFP Counselor ONLY assists students with CalWORKs issues. |
WFP counselor advises students with EVERYTHING a general counselor does in addition to the CalWORKs program. |
Eligible students must be single mothers to qualify for the WFP CalWORKs program. |
WFP/CalWORKs program serves ALL students who receive cash aid for themselves regardless of sex, gender or marital status. |
WFP/CalWORKs students must be enrolled in 12 units to qualify for the program. |
CalWORKs students are only required to take 1 unit to quality in the program. |
The CalWORKs educational plan is the same as an official college student educational plan (SEP) and can be turned in to other offices that request a SEP |
The CalWORKs ed plan is only for the use of Riverside County Welfare to Work. WFP students receive an official college SEP from the CalWORKs counselor to use for all other college business. |
Students must be enrolled in college to before they are referred in the CalWORKs program. |
WFP/CalWORKs will assist eligible prospective students to complete the MVC & Financial Aid application processes in our office. |
CalWORKs is a workstudy program and helps all students get jobs on campus. |
WFP/CalWORKs workstudy assistance is only for students in the CalWORKs program who have a Welfare to Work contract on file in our office. |
The CalWORKs program only accepts students during certain times in the semester. |
CalWORKs is open for students to enroll every day the office is open. Refer to the CalWORKs web pages for information on the application process and to download a fillable PDF intake application. |