Math and English Placement
Course Placement at MVC
Course placement allows MVC to evaluate your skills in a subject, so you register for classes that you have the best chance to succeed in. Math and English placement are done automatically during the application process for first-time college students. Other course placements, which allow access to advanced classes or allow students to skip introductory courses, are based upon results from proctored exams.
First-time students complete their math and English placement during their college application process. Placement is typically based on their high school performance, or self-evaluation through a short survey. While these questions are all optional, ensuring you complete your placement survey and provide proof of high school math and English coursework can help with ensuring you're placed into transfer-level classes without delay. Students also have the option to challenge their placement if they believe they have been placed into courses below their skill level or in optional support corequisite courses.
Returning students are exempt from having to take the placement survey during the application process. However, students who took the assessment test but never completed an English or math course or did not successfully complete a degree applicable English or math course with a C or better will need to take the placement survey. You can find the link for the Placement Survey in MyPortal under Academic Planning. Once you complete the survey, you will be able to register for the appropriate English and math courses.
Transferring students are exempt from having to take the placement survey during the application process. However, students who did not complete an English or math course at their previous institution/s or did not successfully complete a degree applicable English or math course with a C or better will need to take the placement survey. You can find the link for the placement survey in MyPortal under Academic Planning. Once you complete the survey, you will be able to register for the appropriate English and math courses.
How Math and English Placement Works
Moreno Valley College considers high school coursework, high school grades, and high school grade point average when determining math and English placement upon enrollment (as required by California Assembly Bill AB 705). No math or English placement tests are required. Placements can be viewed in MyPortal.
Your English and math placements are already completed if you:
- Are a first-time college student
- Are a high school graduating senior
- Have graduated high school within the last 10 years
The Impact of AB705
With Assembly Bill 705, students receive a placement using high school records instead of our old assessment tests. That means Riverside Community College District students are eligible to take transfer-level math and English courses. Research shows that a high school grade point average and coursework are the strongest predictors of performance in college-level coursework.
If you have questions about your placement, make an appointment with an academic counselor.
Challenge Your English 91 Placement
Students that have been placed into English 1A and the accompanying English 91 support course have the right to challenge that placement and only take English 1A. Do so by completing a short challenge survey.
Mathematics Courses Tailored to Your Needs
At MVC, even if you choose not to pursue an associate degree in mathematics, you can choose the path that best suits your interest and program of study. Not all majors need to take the most difficult mathematics courses, while students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics may want to complete transfer-level coursework early on. Make sure to speak with your counselor to determine the best course path for you.
STEM majors typically follow a four to five course pathway for mathematics. All classes are degree applicable unless marked with *** next to the course name.
- MAT-9 BSTEM College Algebra (and optional MAT-109 Support Corequisite for MAT-9***)
- MAT-36 Trigonometry** or MAT-10 Precalculus* (MAT-9 leads to MAT-36, while Precalculus has no prerequisite; choose based on your placement, major and/or transfer requirements)
- MAT-1A Calculus I*
- MAT-1B Calculus II*
- MAT-1C Calculus III*, MAT-2 Differential Equations*, or MAT-3 Linear Algebra*
* UC/CSU Transferable
** CSU Transferable only
*** Not degree applicable
Business majors typically follow a two course pathway:
- MAT-9 BSTEM College Algebra (and optional MAT-109 Support Corequisite for MAT-9***)
- MAT-5 Calculus for Business and Life Sciences*
* UC/CSU Transferable
*** Not degree applicable
Liberal studies majors typically follow one course mathematics pathway:
- MAT-25 Math for Liberal Arts Students* (and optional MAT-125 Support Corequisite for MAT-25***)
* UC/CSU Transferable
*** Not degree applicable
Social science and liberal arts majors typically follow a two course mathematics pathway:
- MAT-12 Statistics* (and optional MAT-112 Support Corequisite for MAT-12***) OR MAT-11 College Algebra*
* UC/CSU Transferable
*** Not degree applicable