Modular Peace Officer Academy
Part-Time Training Academy
The Basic Peace Officer Training Academy was established in 1953. The Academy serves 11 counties in Southern California. Candidates in the program receive practical and technical instruction to meet the requirements of various law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal level. Classes provide training geared toward individuals who have already been hired by a law enforcement agency (sponsored students) and people interested in a law enforcement career (non-sponsored students). The modular academy offers courses on a part-time basis, which may be ideal for working students.
Self-Sponsored Application Module Dates Background Information
Academy Information
The Modular Academy covers a total of 855 hours of instructions for all three modules combined and is certified the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). You will receive training to satisfy full-time Peace Officer instruction in as little as 13 months divided into three modules (levels).
Overview and Requirements
Learn more about what's required when applying to the Basic Peace Officer Academy.
- Module III Academy (Level III Reserve Officer Training)
- Module II Academy (Level II Reserve Officer Training)
- Module I Academy (Level I Reserve Officer Training)
Agency-Sponsored Recruits
Any agencies seeking to enroll recruits need to contact RSD. Agency-sponsored recruits do not need to complete self-sponsored enrollment requirements.
- Contact Sgt. E. Chacon at
Under Cal/OSHA Title 8 Section 3395, all outside agencies are required to provide heat illness prevention training to their employees and completion of such training is a prerequisite for agency recruits.
Academy Modules and Dates
Before applying to MVC's Basic Peace Officer Academy, be sure understand the costs, procedures and application process. Choose a module to learn about the information covered, upcoming academy dates, and to review cost estimates.
California Community Colleges require that a student be a resident of California for one year and a day prior to registering for classes. If you do not meet this requirement, you could be subject to out of state fees. Contact Admissions for specific details at (951) 571-6370. Additionally, under Cal/OSHA Title 8 Section 3395, all outside agencies are required to provide heat illness prevention training to their employees and completion of such training is a prerequisite for agency recruits.
ADJ-R1A2 (192 Course Hours, 7.5 College Units)
The Module III Academy is a 192 hour (approximately 3 months) course designed to meet the minimum requirements of a Level III Reserve Officer as established by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). It is the first component of the Regular Basic Course-Modular Format Academy.
The Module III Academy is a discipline/stress oriented program with an emphasis on Professionalism/Ethics & Leadership, Lifetime Fitness, Vehicle Operations, Arrest Methods/Defensive Tactics, Report Writing, First Aid/CPR, and Firearms training. In addition there will be inspections, drill training (formation, facing movements, marching, etc.), and physical exercises (running, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.). Recruits will attend the Academy in full uniform. There are two knowledge-based examinations administered throughout the course which require a recruit to receive a passing score in order to successfully complete the Module III Academy. Students must also successfully pass Defensive Tactics and Firearms testing in order to pass the academy.
Email if you are interested in this course. Physical Agility test date and time are determined at time of enrollment. Applicants will be contacted after review of their packets.
- July 23 - October 9, 2024. Application submission date has passed.
- August 4 - October 23, 2025 (tentative). Submit application packets by July 2, 2025. Dates subject to change.
The academy classes contain both agency-sponsored and self-sponsored students. Self-sponsored students enter the academy at their own expense. Agency-sponsored students are hired by a law enforcement agency prior to entering the academy.
ADJ-R1B (273 Course Hours, 10.5 College Units)
The Module II Academy is a 273 hour (approximately 3 months) course designed to meet the minimum requirements of a Level II Reserve Officer as established by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). It is the second component of the Regular Basic Course-Modular Format Academy.
The Module II Academy is a discipline/full-stress oriented program with an emphasis on Community Relations, Lifetime Fitness, Cultural Diversity, Arrest Methods/Defensive Tactics, Investigative Report Writing, Chemical Agents training and Firearms/Shotgun training. In addition there will be inspections, drill training (formation, facing movements, marching, etc.), and physical exercises (running, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.). Recruits will attend the Academy in full uniform. There are 9 knowledge based examinations administered throughout the course which require a recruit to receive a passing score in order to successfully complete the Module II Academy. Students must also successfully pass Defensive Tactics and Firearms testing in order to pass the academy.
Email if you are interested in this course. Physical Agility test date and time are determined at time of enrollment. Applicants will be contacted after review of their packets.
- October 23, 2024 - February 6, 2025 (tentative). Submit application packets by September 10, 2024. Dates subject to change.
- November 3, 2025 - February 19, 2026 (tentative). Submit application packets by October 1, 2025. Dates subject to change.
POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) has the following prerequisites for Level/Module II:
- Successful completion of Module III.
- Current certification (within the last 3 years) in PC 832 Arrest and Firearms training. Training must be current and in conformance with the requirements of Commission Regulation 1080.
- Passage of the POST-Constructed Comprehensive Module III Test within the preceding 12 months.
If you have questions about these prerequisites, please reach out to your post-application contact.
The academy classes contain both agency-sponsored and self-sponsored students. Self-sponsored students enter the academy at their own expense. Agency-sponsored students are hired by a law enforcement agency prior to entering the academy.
ADJ-R1C (447 Course Hours, 17 College Units)
The Module I Academy is a 447 hour (approximately 6 months) course designed to meet the minimum requirements of a Level I Reserve Officer or full-time peace officer as established by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). It is the last component of the Regular Basic Course - Modular Format Academy.
The Module I Academy is a high-discipline/high-stress oriented program with an emphasis on emergency vehicle operations, lifetime fitness, traffic accident investigation, traffic enforcement, patrol tactics, gang awareness, arrest methods/defensive tactics, investigative report writing, and firearms training. In addition there will be inspections, drill training (formation, facing movements, marching, etc.), and physical exercises (running, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etcetera). Recruits will attend the Academy in full uniform. There is one knowledge-based examinations administered throughout the course which require a recruit to receive a passing score in order to successfully complete the Module I Academy. Students must also successfully pass 14 training scenarios, physical training, defensive tactics and firearms testing in order to graduate from the academy.
Email if you are interested in this course. Physical Agility test date and time are determined at time of enrollment. Applicants will be contacted after review of their packets.
- March 2 - August 8, 2024. Application date has passed. Academy currently in session.
- February 17 - July 24, 2025 (tentative). Submit application packets by January 15, 2025. Dates subject to change.
- March 2 - August 14, 2026 (tentative). Submit application packets by February 4, 2026. Dates subject to change.
POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) has the following prerequisites for Level/Module I:
- Successful completion of Module III and II.
- Current certification (within the last 3 years) in PC 832 Arrest and Firearms training. Training must be current and in conformance with the requirements of Commission Regulation 1080.
- Passage of the POST-Constructed Comprehensive Module II Test within the preceding 12 months.
If you have questions about this prerequisite, please reach out to your post-application contact.
The academy classes contain both agency-sponsored and self-sponsored students. Self-sponsored students enter the academy at their own expense. Agency-sponsored students are hired by a law enforcement agency prior to entering the academy.
Recruit Background Information
Complete the Personal History Statement document. Be sure to save as you go so you don't lose any of your work. As this is an extensive document, printing it out and penciling in the answers before transcribing may be the safest bet.
When you are done, print out two copies: one for your records, and one to submit.
Complete the Live Scan Fingerprint application process and submit the DOJ firearms clearance letter that will be sent to you 1-2 weeks later. The letter must be dated within 6 months of the start date of the academy.
Prices can be increased by DOJ at any time and the rolling fee for the agency can vary. Dates and time may also change. Make sure to read the top of the page with other documents you must take with you. When making your appointment, be sure to check what payment methods they accept, whether cash, check, credit card.
Complete and submit a medical physical examination. You can visit your own physician or a local clinic. Current college students may visit Student Health and Psychological Services for a low-cost exam, or receive an exam at other areas in the Riverside or San Bernardino counties.
Medical exam prices are subject to change and are approximated. When you make the appointment, make sure of the cost and methods of payment.
Access Medical Clearance Forms (pdf) Find Other Medical Exam Locations (pdf)
Obtain a printout of your driving record. You can either print it from the DMV website or visit your local DMV office. Again, this printout must also be dated within the preceding 6 months of the start date of the academy.
Submit a photocopy of the following:
- Current Driver's License
- Current Vehicle Registration
- Current Vehicle Insurance card
- Medical card (if you have one)
For vehicle registration and insurance, submit documents for the vehicle(s) that you will be driving throughout the academy.
When the above steps have been completed, assemble your documents in the following order:
- Application Coversheet
- Peace Officer Selection Requirements Checklist
- Proof of basic reading/writing (college assessment test results, course completion, associate degree, PELLETB with 40+ T-Score)
- Completed Personal History Statement
- DOJ Clearance Letter
- Completed Medical Clearance Form
- DMV Driver's Record print out
- Photocopies of all documents requested in step 6 (above)
Bring your completed package to Ben Clark Training Center and drop it off in the drop box located in Modular Building 14. Your package will then be reviewed by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.
For any questions or assistance at this point, refer to your post-application contact.
MVC's Basic Peace Officer Deputy Academy is offered in conjunction with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Support for agency-sponsored recruits and recruits who have submitted their packets can be directed to your post-application contact.
As MVC students, cadets are also entitled to career and academic advising through the School of Public Safety.
Sgt. E. Chacon
Modular Academy Post-Application Contact
(951) 486-2787 -
Kristy Paine
Pre-Application Assistance
Associate Professor, Law Enforcement(951) 571-6192