Full-time Training Academy 

The Basic Peace Officer Training Academy was established in 1953. The Academy serves 11 counties in Southern California. Candidates in the program receive practical and technical instruction to meet the requirements of various law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal level. The intensive academy offers courses on a full-time basis.

Self-Sponsored Recruits Background Information Packet

Academy Information

The academy covers 952 hours of instructions and is certified the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). You will receive training to satisfy full-time Peace Officer instruction in as little as 13 months. Classes provide training geared toward individuals who have already been hired by a law enforcement agency (agency sponsored) and people interested in a law enforcement career (self-sponsored).

Upcoming Academies

Academy 222:

  • February 4 – July 31, 2025
  • Applications due by January 3, 5 pm

Academy 223:

  • June 10 – December 4, 2025
  • Applications due by May 2, 5 pm

Academy 224:

  • October 14, 2025 – April 9, 2026
  • Applications due by September 12, 5 pm

Agency-Sponsored Recruits

Any agencies seeking to enroll recruits need to contact Sergeant Tim Cleary at (951) 486-2745 or email ctcba@riversidesheriff.org. Agency-sponsored recruits do not need to complete the self-sponsored application requirements.

Under Cal/OSHA Title 8 Section 3395, all outside agencies are required to provide heat illness prevention training to their employees and completion of such training is a prerequisite for agency recruits.

Before You Apply

  • Know your class start date. During your college application, select the appropriate term (application periods are below) based on the start date of the class.
  • You can choose any program of study you'd like, but we suggest Law Enforcement Basic Peace Officer Academy Intensive Certificate.
  • The online college application process requires you to either make an account (new user) or log into your existing account (returning user).
  • Printing a copy of your college application confirmation page is required, and you must bring it with you on the first day of class.
  • A cost breakdown is available to assist you with your budgeting considerations. All costs are approximate and are subject to change without notice.

Cost Breakdown (pdf) How to Apply to MVC

Term Application Periods

  • Summer 2024

    October 1, 2023 - June 21, 2024
  • Fall 2024

    October 1, 2023 - October 18, 2024
  • Winter 2025

    July 1, 2024 - January 10, 2025
  • Spring 2025

    July 1, 2024 - April 25, 2025

Enrollment Requirements

  • 1

    Read POST minimum standards

    Ensure you have read and understand the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) minimum standards by printing out the requirements checklist and putting your initials to the left of each number. By initialing, you indicate that you meet the POST requirement.
    Next Step
    After you have met all the requirements, sign your name and print it legibly below the signature, then date the document. You will need to attach your POST requirements document to your application packet. Visit the POST website to view additional information about Peace officer selection process.
  • 2

    Apply to MVC

    Complete the college application process and choose your program of study. We suggest selecting "Law Enforcement Basic Peace Officer Academy Intensive Certificate." If you're interested in financial aid, make sure to also file your FAFSA for the correct academic year.
    Optional Financial Aid
    Financial aid recipients are required to select an academic program of study and educational goal consistent with their education plan. You may choose "Earn a Career Technical Certificate w/o Transfer Assistance" as your educational goal. Financial aid can be sought through Student Financial Services, while Veteran students are encouraged to seek support through MVC's Veteran Services program.
  • 3

    Complete basic reading and writing requirements

    Student must show comprehension of basic level reading and writing. You have several options to fulfill this requirement, including taking an English assessment test and placing into English 1A or equivalent; providing proof of having successfully completed ENG-50 and REA-82 or equivalent; providing proof of having a college degree from an accredited institution; or provide proof of having taken the POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) with a T-score of 40 or above, within 12 months of the class start date.
    Schedule an Assessment
    To schedule an English assessment and placement, contact Nidia Fernandez at the School of Public Safety by email or call (951) 571-6181.
  • 4

    Complete your background information

    Self-sponsored recruits must supply background information including a personal history statement, a Department of Justice (DOJ) clearance letter after completing the fingerprinting process, medical clearance, as well as proof of driver's record. This background information must be compiled, organized in the correct order, and submitted for review by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. After review, recruits will be up for selection or non-selection.
    More Information
    Recruits are responsible for associated costs related to completing background information, including medical exams, finger printing, and so on. Note that students can complete a medical exam at low cost through MVC's Student Health and Psychological Services.
  • 5

    Pass a physical agility test

    You will be contacted by someone at the academy to schedule your Physical Fitness Assessment. This test consists of a 1.5 mile run, sit ups and push-ups.
  • 6

    Review selection status

    A final decision will be made and you will receive a letter of selection or non-selection from Moreno Valley College. If you are accepted, the letter will provide the next steps in this process. Just because you turn in every document, does NOT mean that you will be selected to continue in the process or into the academy.
    Selection Letters
    A selection letter will inform you that you have been selected and provide the start date and ending date of your academy, and the date and time for the orientation. It is very important for you to attend this orientation. A non-selection letter will inform you that you were not selected for the current academy. Direct questions about non-selection to Sgt. Iemsisanith.
  • 7

    Print your college application confirmation page

    Print your college application confirmation page (from step 2) and bring it to the first day of class. BCTC admissions staff will enroll you the first day. Recruits do not self-enroll.

Recruit Background Information

Each self-sponsored recruit must supply background information including a personal history statement, information about your driver's record, medical clearance and a DOJ clearance letter.

Complete the Personal History Statement document. Be sure to save as you go so you don't lose any of your work. As this is an extensive document, printing it out and penciling in the answers before transcribing may be the safest bet.

When you are done, print out two copies: one for your records, and one to submit.

Personal History Statement Document (doc)

Complete the Live Scan Fingerprint application process and submit the DOJ firearms clearance letter that will be sent to you 1-2 weeks later. The letter must be dated within 6 months of the start date of the academy.

Prices can be increased by DOJ at any time and the rolling fee for the agency can vary. Dates and time may also change. Make sure to read the top of the page with other documents you must take with you. When making your appointment, be sure to check what payment methods they accept, whether cash, check, credit card.

Live Scan Fingerprint Form (pdf)  Live Scan Locations (pdf)

Complete and submit a medical physical examination. You can visit your own physician or a local clinic. Current college students may visit Student Health and Psychological Services for a low-cost exam, or receive an exam at other areas in the Riverside or San Bernardino counties.

Medical exam prices are subject to change and are approximated. When you make the appointment, make sure of the cost and methods of payment.

Access Medical Clearance Forms (pdf) Find Other Medical Exam Locations (pdf)

Obtain a printout of your driving record. You can either print it from the DMV website or visit your local DMV office. Again, this printout must also be dated within the preceding 6 months of the start date of the academy.

Request Your Driver's Record

Submit a photocopy of the following:

  • Current Driver's License
  • Current Vehicle Registration
  • Current Vehicle Insurance card
  • Medical card (if you have one)

For vehicle registration and insurance, submit documents for the vehicle(s) that you will be driving throughout the academy.

When the above steps have been completed, assemble your documents in the following order:

  • Application Coversheet
  • Peace Officer Selection Requirements Checklist
  • Proof of basic reading/writing (college assessment test results, course completion, associate degree, PELLETB with 40+ T-Score)
  • Completed Personal History Statement
  • DOJ Clearance Letter
  • Completed Medical Clearance Form
  • DMV Driver's Record print out
  • Photocopies of all documents requested in step 6 (above)

Bring your completed package to Ben Clark Training Center and drop it off in the drop box located in Modular Building 14. Your package will then be reviewed by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

Your contact now becomes: C. Corp. D. Zermeno at (951) 486-2798.

Contact Us

MVC's Basic Peace Officer Academy is offered in conjunction with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Support for agency-sponsored recruits and recruits who have submitted their packets can be directed to your recruitment assistance contact.

School of Public SafetyRivCo Sheriff's Department
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