UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
Guaranteed Admission to One of Six UC Campuses
The UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a set of transfer requirements that,
when completed, guarantees the student transfer admission to six participating University
of California campuses. Admission is guaranteed, but some institutions may have additional
requirements for impacted majors.
UC TAG is an option for transfer students from a California Community College (CCC) such as MVC. Students must have completed 30 UC-transferable units at a CCC, and be able to transfer with at least 60 UC-transferable units.
- Students that transferred to a California Community College with coursework from a non-CCC are eligible for TAG if the last college they attended is a CCC.
- Students that already have a bachelor's, graduate or professional degree are ineligible.
TAG applications must be filed one year in advance. Students must follow up their TAG application with a UC application during the October 1 to November 30 application period to remain eligible. TAG application periods are determined by the term students seek to start attending a participating UC.
- Fall admission: September 1 - 30 of the prior year
- Winter/Spring admission: May 1 - 31 of the prior year
Participating Schools