Moreno Valley College Celebrates National TRIO Day

Moreno Valley College’s Office of TRIO Programs, in partnership with campus and community agencies, hosted the You Matter. You’re Valuable. You Count: College, Career, and Community Resource Fair in celebration of National TRIO Day. Over 400 students and community members attended.
Throughout the event there were giveaways — ASMVC gave away two iPads and two students won telescopes. The grand prize was a 50-inch TV sponsored from Grayter Enterprises, LLC. This was Moreno Valley College’s 5thcelebration of TRIO Day. The day marked 60 years since the first TRIO program was started. Federal TRIO Programs were established in 1964 to increase access for students from first-generation, income qualifying, and other underserved backgrounds to go to and graduate from college.
The event started with the opening session with highlights about the history of TRIO, highlights from current scholars and alumni, passionate remarks from Moreno Valley College’s President Robin Steinback, Ph.D., and an inspiring keynote address from Danielle Guise, director of Academic Advising and Student Success, who is a TRIO alum who knows firsthand that TRIO works.
Attendees had the opportunity to connect with 40 resource vendors and partake in activities in the Fun Zone while listening to DJ Triff. Associated Students of Moreno Valley College, Outreach, Ben Clark Education Center, School of Public Safety EMS program, Wellness Center, Basic Needs, Disability Support Services, Student Financial Services, Early Childhood Education, Career and Technical Education, iMake Innovation Lab, Dental Hygiene, and the engagement centers each had booths.
Community partners included Moreno Valley Unified School District’s Wellness Center, Inland So Cal United Way and 211, Eastern Municipal Water District, Riverside County Office of Education Cal SOAP, Inland Empire Waterkeepers, Moreno Valley Unified School District’s Cosmetology program, Western Museum, National Council of Negro Women, New York Life, Cal Hope, Riverside Sheriff’s Explorers Program, WestPac, TODEC, TRUEvolution, Congressmember Takano’s Office, and Cal Fire.
Students and families were even able to attend sessions about how to apply to MVC and receive assistance from Financial Services and Cal SOAP to apply for Cal Kids and to complete Financial Aid. Attendees had the opportunity to attend a Stop the Bleed session led by Loma Linda University.