The Faculty Development Committee (FDC) is a standing committee of the Moreno Valley College Academic Senate. The FDC sets and implements faculty professional development policy, programs and provides faculty development and learning opportunities (FLEX). The FDC operates in accordance with state requirements.

Meetings Flex Information Faculty Handbook (pdf)


The purpose of the Faculty Development Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of the Academic Senate, is to set and implement faculty development policy and programs at Moreno Valley College. The committee will function in accordance with state requirements associated with faculty development.

Bylaws (pdf) 


The Faculty Development Committee follows the most recent Governance Committee Meeting Calendar. Unless otherwise noted, the committee meets on the fourth Thursday from 12:50 - 1:50 pm during the fall and spring terms.

2025-25 Agendas and Minutes 2023-24 Support Documentation

September 26

12:50 - 1:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom
October 24

12:50 - 1:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom
November 21

12:50 - 1:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

February 27

12:50 - 1:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

March 27

12:50 - 1:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

April 24

12:50 - 1:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

May 22

12:50 - 1:50 pm

SAS 101 or Zoom

FLEX: Faculty Professional Development

FLEX stands for Flexible Calendar Program, and facilitates professional development. Professional development opportunities help full- and part-time faculty improve their instruction, curriculum and learning resource development skills, understanding of diversity and community, explore research opportunities, and more.

About FLEX at MVC


To contact the Faculty Development Committee, email

Faculty Development Goals

  1. Provide professional development opportunities that expand skills and practices for faculty to support improvement of instruction and enhanced student learning.
  2. Develop innovative classroom strategies and instructional techniques that are responsive to evolving student needs and measures of student success.
  3. Offer training opportunities that increase computer and technological proficiency and/or support distance education and online instructions.
  4. Engage faculty as scholars and practitioners in their various disciplines, and provide opportunities for faculty to share their expertise with colleagues.
  5. Support faculty well-being, including physical and emotional health and self-esteem.
