General Questions


The office is located at Ben Clark Training Center: 

School of Public Safety Building
20629 11th Street

Riverside, CA 92518

The class schedule can be found online on MVC's class schedule page. Schedules are published twice a year for winter/spring and summer/fall.

The uniform vendor is:

P&P Uniform Store
21790 Van Buren Blvd.
Building 7 Suite 102,
Riverside, CA 92518

EMS programs require all candidates to have an American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Level CPR card that remains current throughout the program.

To register for a training class, visit the American Heart Association website.

EMT Program Questions


You must first meet eligibility requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Apply to Moreno Valley College and complete the mandatory placement, orientation and counseling introductory process
  • Attend the EMT Academy orientation and bring all required documents with you
  • Department approval to enroll is given the day after the last EMT orientation. After approval is received, you may register for EMT 50 and 51 starting on your assigned registration date and time via MyPortal
  • Have an American Heart Association Healthcare Provider-Level CPR certification that remains throughout the program
  • EMS 50 and 51 must be registered concurrently. You may not take them one at a time.

Orientation dates and times are available in the class schedule. You may also call our information line at (951) 571-6395. Online orientation is also available. You only need to attend one in-person orientation OR successfully complete the online orientation once.

If attending an in-person orientation, you must bring your Student ID number, items for note taking, and all blank forms.

All costs are approximate and are subject to change.

  • Tuition: 8.5 units at $46 / unit: $391
  • Uniform: $400 (+ any alteration costs)
  • Books: $215
  • Background check: $48
  • Additional immunization verification / physical exam fees

Yes, EMT cadets are required to wear a uniform. Cadets must be in full uniform by the second class session.

The uniform consists of one blue uniform shirt, one uniform pant, two uniform t-shirts, on set of blue epilates, one belt, one pair of boots and one silver nameplate.

You are only allowed to miss 16 hours of the EMT course. Any absences totaling more than 16 hours will permit dismissal from the program.

Yes. EMS 50 and EMS 51 require concurrent enrollment.

EMS 51 is the time you will spend in the hospitals and out on the ambulance. This time is scheduled once you are in the class by our clinical coordinator. It is scheduled outside of class time. Please make sure you are flexible when meeting this requirement.

Paramedic Academy Questions


Applications are available online on the Paramedic Academy page.

Paramedic Academy applications must be received in the EMS office a few months prior to term start. Deadlines are:

  • Fall Academy (begins in August): June 1
  • Spring Academy (begins in February): December 1

Applications received after the deadline will be held for a period of sixteen (16) weeks.

The paramedic program is approximately one year in length. We are a part-time program that meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. The content and the academic rigor of the MVC EMS Academy has not changed but the longer hours allows cadets to continue working at their public or private job sites while attending class.

The prerequisites are as follows:

  • A current EMT-1 card
  • A current CPR card (AHA Healthcare Provider level)
  • A drivers license or proof of age of 18 or older
  • Written verification from employer of one year and 1,000 hours work experience (50% of hours must be pre-hospital)
  • BIO-45 (or equivalent)

Approximate costs are as follows:

  • $46/unit at 38.5 units= $1,771.00
  • The specialty courses are approximately $360
  • The books are approximately $500
  • The uniforms are approximately $520
  • The paramedic prep class is approximately $300
  • Background check approximately $65
  • Additional fees for health immunization verification/physical exam
  • Other fees may apply and are subject to change

The program is 38.5 units.

Admittance to the paramedic program is by application only. Once your completed application is submitted, the office will send out a letter instructing you to attend an orientation. At the orientation, you will be asked to attend a prep class. The prep class will help determine placement into the paramedic program. At the end of the prep class, you will be notified of your standing. Registration procedures will be explained at the end of the prep class.

The orientation date/time will be announced in a letter sent to you a week after the application deadline.

The Paramedic Prep class is one week long - 40 hours and will be placed in the college catalog after approval from the department and curriculum committee. At the orientation, you will be informed on when the prep class is, and what is involved in taking the prep class.

Yes, paramedic program students must wear a uniform at all times by the start of the program. The uniform package consists of:

  • 1 complete uniform set (1 shirt w/ red epilates, 1 pant, 1 t-shirt, 1 belt, boots)
  • 3 extra shirts
  • 2 extra pants
  • 4 extra t-shirts
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