Moreno Valley College Ranked Among Nation’s Best for Veterans in Military Times 2024 Rankings

Moreno Valley College (MVC) ranked #145 in the nation in the Military Times Best for Vets: 2024 Colleges rankings for dedication to supporting student Veterans and military-connected students throughout their educational journey. The College also received recognition as #4 in California, #2 among community colleges in the state, and #1 in its district.
In response to the news, Interim President FeRita Carter, Ph.D., said, “This recognition highlights our strong commitment to providing exceptional resources and comprehensive support tailored to the unique needs of our Veteran community.”
Mark Diaz, coordinator for Veterans Services, added, “It reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering a supportive, resource-rich environment and offering wrap-around support services specifically tailored to the needs of our Veteran and military-connected students in Riverside County.”
Military Times conducts a comprehensive annual survey of colleges and universities nationwide to evaluate the success of Veteran-focused programs, services, and policies. The Best for Vets: Colleges rankings, which incorporate data from the US Department of Education, US Department of Veterans Affairs, and institution-reported information, have become a trusted tool for Veterans seeking guidance on their educational futures.
This year, Military Times recognized 304 institutions for their dedication to supporting military students and providing programs and services that assist in maximizing VA educational benefits.
MVC’s Veteran support is possible through collaborative efforts by faculty, classified professionals, and administration. The Veterans Resource Center team, along with student workers and PAVE peer advisors, coordinates Veteran-focused orientations, workshops, and events so Veterans can find support tailored to their unique needs. The College also provides robust, inclusive institutional support to enhance student success. Every enrolled student has universal access to application and records management, financial aid, tutoring and study support, health and wellness, disability accommodations, as well as access to basic needs resources, support programs, and a welcoming student government.
The College’s Veteran-focused services continue to grow. MVC recently launched the TRIO Veterans Upward Bound program, entered its 8th year of providing Veteran student scholarships, and increased the number of Veterans certified to receive VA educational benefits by 102% since 2022, certifying a total of 342 this year. The College and Riverside Community College District are also leading the charge on Credit for Prior Learning implementation. MVC awarded credit for 499 Join Services Transcripts in the 2023-2024 academic year, ensuring Veterans receive college credit for skills they gained during their military service.
Moreno Valley College continues to be dedicated to ensuring Veterans and military-connected students thrive academically and professionally. To learn more about Veteran programming, visit the Veterans Resource Center webpage.