Micki Grayson
My name is Micki Grayson and I am the Director of the Office of TRIO Programs.
Moreno Valley College is proud to have five TRIO programs: the ACES Student Support Services Program (collegiate), the Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) Program (pre-collegiate), the Educational Talent Search Program (pre-collegiate), the Upward Bound Program (pre-collegiate), and Veterans' Upward Bound. TRIO is part of an amazing national network to help students from first generation and at promise backgrounds go to college, graduate, and connect to viable career pathways.
We believe that You Matter. You're Valuable. You Count. You are destined to succeed. You are purposed for greatness. TRIO works!
Educational Background
B.A., University of California, Irvine.
M.A., University of Southern California.
At Riverside Community College District since 2013.