Business Administration: Marketing
Program Map
This program prepares individuals to undertake and manage the process of developing both consumer and business markets, and communicating product benefits to targeted market segments. Program completion within this time frame is dependent on the number of units enrolled per term and course availability. Full time students are recommended to take 12-15 units per term. Meet with a counselor to develop your Student Educational Plan (SEP), determine the appropriate general education pattern and work/life/school balance.
Associate of Science
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
BUS 10/10H – Intro to Business/Honors | 4 |
ENG 1A or 1AH – English Composition | 4 |
MKT 20 – Principles of Marketing* | 3 |
CIS 1A or BUS/CIS/CAT 3 – Intro to CIS or Computer Applications for Business | 3 |
Self Development (RCCD GE Area E2) | 3 |
* Required course for concentration
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to complete your student education plan
- Explore career paths with VitaNavis
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
Humanities (RCCD GE Area C) | 3 |
Choose one: MKT 40, 41, 42, 200, or BUS 43, 51, 80 |
3 |
MAT 35, 11 or 12 – Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra or Statistics |
3 - 5 |
HES 1 – Health Science | 3 |
BUS 18A – Business Law I | 3 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to update your student education plan
- Explore career and transfer resources
- Find internship and apprenticeship opportunities
- Attend career and transfer workshops
- Get help with job searches, resume building, and interviews
- Start planning for transfer
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
American Institutions (RCCD GE Area B1) | 3 |
BUS 20 - Business Mathematics |
3 |
ACC 1A – Principles of Accounting I |
3 |
Choose one: MKT 40, 41, 42, 200, or BUS 43, BUS 51, BUS 80 |
3 |
Degree Applicable Elective | 3 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to update your student education plan
- Complete your graduation check
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
Social/Behavioral Science (RCCD GE Area B2) |
3 |
Natural Science (RCCD GE Area A) | 3 - 4 |
BUS 22 or 24 – Mgmt. or Bus Communication | 3 |
Choose one: MKT 40 or 41 or 42 or 200, or BUS 43 or BUS 51 or BUS 80 |
3 |
LIB 1 – Intro to Information Literacy | 1 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to complete your final graduation check
- Apply for graduation
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
ACC 1A – Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
BUS 10/10H - Intro to Business/Honors | 3 |
MKT 20 - Principles of Marketing |
3 |
BUS 22 or 24 – Mgmt. or Business Communications |
3 |
Choose one:
3 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to create your student education plan
- Explore career paths with VitaNavis
- Explore career resources
- Find internship and apprenticeship opportunities
- Attend career and transfer workshops
- Get help with job searches, resume building, and interviews
- Start planning for transfer
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
CIS 1A – Intro to Computer Information Systems |
3 |
BUS 20 – Business Mathematics |
3 |
Choose one: MKT 40, MKT 41, MKT 42, MKT 200, BUS 43, BUS 51 or BUS 80 |
3 |
Choose one: MKT 40, MKT 41, MKT 42, MKT 200, BUS 43, BUS 51 or BUS 80 |
3 |
BUS 18A – Business Law I | 3 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to update your student education plan and complete your graduation check
- Apply for graduation
Stay on Track