Business Administration: Management
Program Map
This program generally prepares individuals to plan, organize, direct, and control the functions and processes of a firm or organization with an emphasis on people as the most important asset of a business. Program completion within this time frame is dependent on the number of units enrolled per term and course availability. Full time students are recommended to take 12-15 units per term. Meet with a counselor to develop your Student Educational Plan (SEP), determine the appropriate general education pattern and work/life/school balance.
Associate of Science
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
ACC 1A – Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
BUS 10/10H – Intro to Business/Honors | 4 |
CIS 1A or BUS/CIS/CAT 3 – Intro to CIS or Computer Applications for Business | 3 |
ENG 1A or 1AH – English Composition | 3 |
Self Development (RCCD GE Area E2) | 3 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to complete your student education plan
- Explore career paths with VitaNavis
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
Humanities (RCCD GE Area C) | 3 |
MAG 44 – Principles of Management* |
3 |
MAT 35 or 12 – Intermediate Algebra or Statistics |
4 - 5 |
HES 1 – Health Science | 3 |
BUS 18A – Business Law I | 3 |
*Required course
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to update your student education plan
- Explore career and transfer resources
- Find internship and apprenticeship opportunities
- Attend career and transfer workshops
- Get help with job searches, resume building, and interviews
- Start planning for transfer
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
American Institutions (RCCD GE Area B1) | 3 |
BUS 22 or 24 – Mgmt. or Business Communications |
3 |
BUS/MAG 47 – Applied Business and Management Ethics |
3 |
Social and Behavioral Science (RCCD GE Area B2) |
3 |
BUS 48, MAG 53, 60, or 200 | 3 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to update your student education plan
- Complete your graduation check
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
MAG 56 – Human Resource Management |
3 |
Natural Science (RCCD GE Area A) | 3 - 4 |
BUS 20 – Business Mathematics | 3 |
Degree Applicable Elective | 3 |
Degree Applicable Elective | 1 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to complete your final graduation check
- Apply for graduation
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
ACC 1A – Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
BUS 10/10H - Intro to Business/Honors | 3 |
BUS/MAG 47 – Applied Business & Management Ethics |
3 |
BUS 18A – Business Law I | 3 |
Choose one:
3 |
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to create your student education plan
- Explore career paths with VitaNavis
- Explore career resources
- Find internship and apprenticeship opportunities
- Attend career and transfer workshops
- Get help with job searches, resume building, and interviews
- Start planning for transfer
Suggested Class Schedule
Course | Units |
CIS 1A – Intro to Computer Information Systems |
3 |
BUS 20 – Business Mathematics |
3 |
BUS 22 or 24 – Management or Business Communications |
3 |
MAG 44 – Principles of Management* |
3 |
MAG 56 – Human Resource Management | 3 |
* Required course for this concentration
Student Tasks
- Meet with a counselor to update your student education plan and complete your graduation check
- Apply for graduation
Stay on Track